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               ·824 ·                            南 京    医 科 大 学 学         报                        2024年6月

              more,study had shown that P TCCO2 monitoring more ac⁃  tal of Nanjing Medical University). We are greatly in⁃
              curately predicted P aCO2 than PETCO2 monitoring in  debted to Professor ZHANG Kai from the Pancreas In⁃
              trendelenburg position  . Similarly,our study found  stitute of Nanjing Medical University,the Pancreatic
              more PTCCO2 than PETCO2 values were within ≤3 mmHg  Center and Department of General Surgery at The First
              or ≤5 mmHg of PaCO2. Whether the position affects  Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University for
              PTCCO2 accuracy remains unclear,although tissue per⁃  his guidance in statistical analysis.
              fusion and electrode position can significantly affect ac⁃
              curacy   . Therefore,we chose the front chest wall in
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                                                                     oxide during neonatal transport[J]. Arch Dis Child Fetal
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                  We sincerely thank Professor YIN Changjun(1964-
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              2015)for his excellent contributions to the Department
                                                                     ous PTCCO2 measurement in combination with arterial
              of Urology in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing
                                                                     blood gas analysis provides superior accuracy and reliabil⁃
              Medical Chiversity. The authors acknowledge the indi⁃
                                                                     ity in ICU patients[J]. J Clin Monit Comput,2017,31
              viduals who contributed to this study and those who
              provided professional cares for the patients involved:
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