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第2期 总第103期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2021年4月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)    · 153  ·

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              COVID⁃19 prevention and treatment by traditional Chinese medicine

                                      intervention and its enlightenment

                                      WEN Qing,TIAN Kan,LU Chao,WANG Shengming
                    School of Health Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China
                 Abstract:The remarkable results achieved in the COVID ⁃ 19 prevention and treatment have once again
             demonstrated the value of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) in the prevention and treatment of epidemic
             diseases and the important role played by TCM in coping with public health emergencies,but at the same time,
             it also exposed that the participation of TCM in public health emergencies still face many problems. Therefore,
             by reviewing the COVID ⁃ 19 prevention and treatment with TCM,the following revelations are drawn: it is
             necessary to attach great importance to the role of TCM in the public health emergency management,explicitly
             incorporate TCM into the system,and improve the public health emergency management system;optimize the
             collaboration between TCM clinical research and TCM diagnosis and treatment,and improve the TCM diagnosis
             and treatment system;and strengthen publicity and treat TCM rationally.
                 Key words:traditional Chinese medicine;epidemic disease;public health emergency management;COVID⁃19
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