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                                                  南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第5期 总第106期
             · 428  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年10月
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                 Analysis on human resources allocation and equity of professional

                               public health institutions in Jiangsu Province

                                               GUO Xuanying ,QIAO Xuebin  1,2
             1. School of Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. Headmaster’s Office,Nanjing University of
                                              Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210033,China
                 Abstract:Based on the descriptive analysis of human resources allocation in professional public health
             institutions in Jiangsu Province,Gini coefficient,Lorenz curve and Theil index were used to analyze the
             fairness of all kinds of health personnel allocation according to resident population and geographical area,

             which would provide basis for optimizing human resources allocation in professional public health institutions.
             The number of personnel in professional public health institutions in Jiangsu province was 7.79 per 10 000
             population,but there were great differences among different cities. The Gini coefficient was fairly distributed by
             population and geographical area,which were all less than 0.4 except for management personnel which was
             0.533. Theil index showed that the regional contribution rate of human resources in professional public health
             institutions in Jiangsu province ranged from 68.76% to 72.01%. The differences of health human resources in
             professional public health institutions in Jiangsu province were mainly regional differences,and the fairness of
             health human resources allocation in some regions did not accord with the level of economic development and
             practical needs. It is necessary to reform personnel and authority,improve promotion mechanism and optimize
             human resources allocation in professional public health institutions with policy support as orientation.
                 Key words:professional public health institutions;allocation of health human resources;Gini coefficient;
             Lorenz curve;Theil index
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