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                                                  南                                              第6期 总第107期
             · 546  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年12月
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               Collaborative governance pathways of early warning of public health

                                  JI Jingya,CAO Xin,JIN Hui,ZHAO Miaomiao,GAO Yuexia
                                    School of Public Health,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China
                 Abstract:Risk identification and early warning of public health emergencies are the key procedures to
             prevent and resolve major hidden danger. The collaborative governance theory has been increasingly applied to
             emergency management of sudden crisis. This study took the practice of early warning and emergency
             management of COVID⁃19 as an example and analyzed the possible causes. Based on the theory of collaborative
             governance,a long ⁃ term mechanism for improving the early warning ability of public health emergencies is
             constructed,which is led by the government,supported by elements such as rule of law guarantee,information
             sharing, network cooperation, emergency training and territorial joint responsibility, and focuses on the
             participation of all social parties.
                 Key words:public health emergencies;risk identification;early warning;collaborative governance
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