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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第2期 总第109期
             · 150  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2022年4月
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                   Family support and maternal depression risk before and after

                 delivery: based on the Oaxaca and Fairlie decomposition methods

                                                         HU Meili
                     Obstetrics and Gynecology Department,Baoding Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Baoding 071000,China
                 Abstract:Maternal depression risk is a worldwide health challenge,and family support is an important
             factor affecting maternal depression risk;However,its role and contribution in the fluctuation of maternal
             depression before and after delivery is rarely studied. Based on the survey data,combined with regression and
             decomposition analysis methods,this study analyzed the contribution degree of family support factors to the
             fluctuation of maternal depression before and after delivery. The results showed that family support significantly
             affected the risk of maternal depression. The risk of depression decreased significantly after delivery. The
             combined contribution of family support factors and medical factors accounted for 50% . The contribution of
             family support factors is larger(about 30%)than that of medical factors(about 20%). The main factors include
             care status,medical care level and parents⁃in⁃law relationship. Family support plays critical role in preventing
             maternal depression,and the construction of family support system should be an important part of the
             development strategy of women’s health throughout the life cycle.
                 Key words:maternal women;depression risk;family support
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