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南 第4期 总第111期
· 412 · Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) 2022年8月
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441 (本文编辑:姜 鑫)
Coupling and coordination analysis of TCM medical resource
allocation and service utilization in China
LI Xue,XIONG Jixia
School of Health Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Naniing 210023,China
Abstract:Based on the provincial panel data from 2016 to 2020,the coupling coordination degree model
is used to measure the coupling coordination degree of the two,and the relative development degree model is
used to further explore the development type of coupling coordination on the basis of the entropy right TOPSIS
method to evaluate the overall situation of the allocation of TCM medical resources and service utilization in
China. The results showed that the overall allocation of TCM medical resources and service utilization in China
and the three major regions tends to develop in a coordinated manner. In 2020,15 provinces achieve the
general coordination and synchronous development. The coupling coordination development trend in the central
region is better than that in the eastern and western regions,and the five ⁃ year average growth rate of the
coupling coordination index is 0.095;there are significant regional differences in the coupling and coordination
relationship between the eastern and western regions,and the average coupling and coordination in the eastern
region is 0.594,which is lower than that in the western region(0.679). However the phenomenon of resource
allocation is serious,and there is a severe shortage of resource allocation in the western region,which should
be adjusted according to local conditions to correct the misallocation of resources,and achieve coordinated
development of resource allocation and utilization.
Key words:traditional Chinese medicine;allocation of medical resources;utilization of medical services;
coupling coordination