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第41卷第5期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2021年5月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·769 ·

               ·综 述·


                张诗慧,刁飞扬      *
                南京医科大学第一附属医院生殖医学中心,江苏 南京                    210029

               [摘   要] 甲状腺自身免疫是育龄妇女最常见的自身免疫性疾病。大量研究表明,甲状腺自身免疫与不孕有关,在接受辅助
               [关键词] 甲状腺自身免疫;不孕;辅助生殖技术;妊娠结局
               [中图分类号] R711.6                   [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2021)05⁃769⁃05

                Research progress on the effect of thyroid autoimmunity on assisted reproductive
                ZHANG Shihui,DIAO Feiyang *
                Reproductive Medicine Center,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Thyroid autoimmunity is the most common autoimmune disturbance in women of reproductive age. Numerous studies
                have shown that thyroid autoimmunity has been associated with infertility. In women treated with assisted reproductive technology,
                thyroid autoimmunity may influence embryo quality,pregnancy rate,and miscarriage rate. But its pathogenic mechanism is not yet
                clear. Some investigators believe that thyroid autoimmunity is not the main cause of adverse pregnancy outcomes. This paper focused
                on the effect of thyroid autoimmunity on assisted reproductive technology. And it also suggested investigators to optimize the
                experimental design and obtain more authoritative results for guiding clinical practice.
               [Key words] thyroid autoimmunity;infertility;assisted reproductive technology;pregnancy outcomes
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2021,41(05):769⁃773]

                    近年来,辅助生殖技术(assisted reproduction              20%~30%的不孕病例归因于男性原因,20%~35%归
                technologies,ART)从经典的体外受精(in vitro fertil⁃        因于女性原因,25%~40%归因于双方原因。其余
                ization,IVF)和 胞 浆 内 精 子 注 射(intracytoplasmic      10%~20%的不孕不育被归类为不明原因或特发性
                sperm injection,ICSI)到使用人工智能预测模型时代                病例,其中大多数夫妇遭受反复种植失败。尽管
                的发展 ,引发了一场世界范围的生殖革命。不孕                            ART 取得了显著的发展,但 IVF 尝试失败的比例仍
                的病因被认为是多因素的,其中一些关键因素如遗                            然很高。有文献指出,一些自身免疫因素与种植失
                传异常、排卵障碍、输卵管阻塞、子宫或盆腔环境问                           败结果相关 。
                                                                  1  甲状腺自身免疫概念
                素。2018 年,欧洲人类生殖和胚胎学会报告称,

               [基金项目] 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1000200)                    生育力和妊娠结局。最常见的自身免疫性疾病是
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃mail:  甲状腺自身免疫(thyroid autoimmunity,TAI),由Th1
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