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第41卷第7期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2021年7月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·1079 ·



                倪泽阳,叶翔宇,王一迪,黄 鹏,喻荣彬                *
                南京医科大学公共卫生学院流行病学系,江苏 南京                   211166

               [摘   要] 目的:了解江苏省某强制隔离戒毒所男性戒毒人群的梅毒感染情况及其危险因素。方法:于2018年6—8月对江苏
                况及性行为情况。结果:790例中共发现133例梅毒抗体阳性,梅毒感染率16.8%,梅毒组平均年龄(P < 0.001)与开始吸毒的平
                均年龄(P=0.002)高于非梅毒组,两组间性伴侣情况存在差异(P=0.044);多因素 Logistic 回归分析结果显示,吸毒年限较长
               [关键词] 梅毒;戒毒人群;性行为;危险因素
               [中图分类号] R759.1                   [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2021)07⁃1079⁃05

                Analysis of syphilis infection and influencing factors in a drug rehabilitation center in
                Jiangsu Province

                NI Zeyang,YE Xiangyu,WANG Yidi,HUANG Peng,YU Rongbin   *
                Department of Epidemiology,School of Public Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China

               [Abstract] Objective: To understand the infection status and risk factors of syphilis among male drug addicts in a compulsory
                isolation detoxification center in Jiangsu Province. Methods: A cross⁃sectional survey was conducted among male drug addicts in a
                compulsory isolation detoxification center in Jiangsu Province from June to August 2018. The antibodies were detected by the syphilis
                particle agglutination test,and the basic information,drug abuse and sexual behavior were investigated using a questionnaire. Results:
                Among 790 people,133 cases of syphilis antibody were found to be positive. The syphilis infection rate was 16.8%. The average age of
                syphilis group(P < 0.001)and the average age of starting drug use(P=0.002)were higher than those of non⁃syphilis group. There was a
                difference in sexual partner between the two groups(P=0.044);multivariate analysis showed that the average age of syphilis group(P <
                0.001)and the average age of starting drug use(P=0.002)were higher than those of non⁃syphilis group. There was a difference in sexual
                partner between the two groups(P=0.044);multivariate analysis showed that longer years of drug use(OR=1.04,95% CI:1.00~1.07)
                and temporary sexual partners(OR=1.90,95%CI:1.18~3.05)were risk factors for syphilis infection in this population. Conclusion:
                The syphilis infection rate is high in this population. It is associated with longer years of drug use and unsafe sexual behavior.
               [Key words] syphilis;drug addict;sexual behavior;risk factor
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2021,41(07):1079⁃1083]

                                                                  呈全球性流行 ,据世界卫生组织全球疾病负担研
               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(81703273);江苏省自然科
                                                                  究估计,2012 年全球 15~49 岁女性中梅毒患病率为
                                                                  0.50%,男性梅毒患病率为 0.48%。2012年,梅毒发
                ∗                                                 病率为 1.5/1 000 人 。梅毒主要通过性接触传播,
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃mail:
                cn                                                也可通过血液传播,可引起神经、心血管等多系统
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