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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第42卷第7期
               ·1030 ·                    Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)   2022年7月

             ·综      述·


              徐 影,刁飞扬       *
              南京医科大学第一附属医院生殖医学中心,江苏 南京                    210029

             [摘    要] 人体微生物群与宿主构成了相互制约、相互协调的微生态平衡,对人类健康而言不可或缺。各种原因导致的微生
             [关键词] 微生物群;女性生殖道;肠道;妊娠并发症;子代发育
             [中图分类号] R714.25                    [文献标志码] A                     [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2022)07⁃1030⁃06

              The effect of maternal microbiota on pregnancy complication and offspring development

              XU Ying,DIAO Feiyang  *
              Reproductive Medicine Center,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

             [Abstract] Objective:The human microbiota and the host constitute a mutually restricted and coordinated microecological balance,
              which is indispensable for human health. Microecological imbalance caused by various reasons may be an important pathogenic factor
              of many diseases in human body. In recent years,the research on female reproductive tract microbial community,intestinal flora and
              diseases has made a breakthrough,suggesting that they may play an important role in the occurrence,development and prognosis of
              obstetrics complications including preterm birth and gestational diabetes mellitus. In addition,it’s undeniable that the microbiota of
              the maternal reproductive tract,breast milk and intestinal tract may also influence the development and function of the neonate
              metabolism,immune system and nervous system. Here we review the studies on the impact of female reproductive tract flora and
              intestinal microbiota on pregnancy and offspring,in order to provide a new perspective and new ideas for future research.
             [Key words] microbiota;female reproductive tract;gut;pregnancy complication;offspring development
                                                                           [J Nanjing Med Univ,2022,42(07):1030⁃1035]

                  人体微生物群指存在于人体内外环境中所有                           序技术的发展和成熟,极大地促进了人类对微生物
              微生物的集合,包括细菌、病毒、真菌和古细菌,数                           群更全面与深入的了解 。2007年美国国立卫生院
              量是人体细胞的 10 倍,对维持人体健康具有重要                          (NIH)启动的人类微生物组计划(Human Microbiome
              意义 。过去对于微生物的研究囿于培养技术的                             Project,HMP),致力描绘了健康人体皮肤、口腔、鼻
              局限性,一定程度低估了微生物对健康和疾病的影                            腔、肠道和泌尿生殖道等部位的微生物全景图 。
              响。高通量测序技术,特别是 16S rRNA 扩增子测                       2013 年启动的第二阶段(iHMP)则联合多组学聚焦
             [基 金 项 目] 国 家 重 点 研 发 计 划(2016YFC1000200,
                                                                病的研究提供了有益的思考             [4-6] 。
                                                                     健康状态下的子宫腔曾被认为是无菌的 ,而
               通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃mail:diaofeiyang@njmu.
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