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第43卷第11期         周  敏,雍永宏,孙 伟,等. 经食道超声心动图结合声学造影对卵圆孔未闭的评估价值[J].
                 2023年11月                    南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(11):1544-1549                      ·1545 ·

                cases of RLS,and cTEE also detected 186 cases of RLS,indicating a significant increase in the detection rate of PFO⁃RLS during the
                Valsalva maneuver compared to the rest state,regardless of the cTTE or cTEE method. Among the PFO patients with RLS detected,

                cTTE classified 27 cases as grade Ⅰ,31 cases as grade Ⅱ,and 128 cases as grade Ⅲ. On the other hand,cTEE classified 80 cases as
                grade I,56 cases as grade Ⅱ,and 50 cases as grade Ⅲ. Among these cases,110 patients had a higher RLS degree in cTTE compared
                to cTEE,with 46 cases being grade Ⅲ in cTTE and grade Ⅱ in cTEE,43 cases being grade Ⅲ in cTTE and grade Ⅰ in cTEE,and 21
                cases being grade Ⅱ in cTTE and grade Ⅰ in cTEE. During the Valsalva maneuver with cTEE,while the operator clenched their fist
                and applied pressure on the patient’s abdomen and then released it,35 cases were classified as grade Ⅰ,46 cases as grade Ⅱ,and
                105 cases as grade Ⅲ. There were 76 patients with an increase in RLS degree,including 21 patients who upgraded from grade Ⅰ to
                grade Ⅱ,24 patients who upgraded from grade Ⅰ to grade Ⅲ,and 31 patients who upgraded from grade Ⅱ to grade Ⅲ. The proportion
                of patients with moderate to large shunting significantly increased. Conclusion:The RLS level detected by cTTE is higher than that of
                cTEE. During the cTEE examination,when the patient cooperates with the examiner to press,the degree of RLS detected under
                Valsalva’s action increases. The combination of cTTE and TEE in diagnosing the anatomical structure and morphology of PFO is of
                great value for the treatment and preoperative evaluation of PFO occlusion.
               [Key words] contrast transthoracic echocardiography;contrast transesophageal echocardiography;patent foramen ovale;right⁃left
                shunt;evaluation value
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(11):1544⁃1549]

                    卵圆孔未闭(patent foramen ovale,PFO)是胎儿            综合性诊断策略。
                循环系统的残余,PFO 的患病率随着年龄的增长而
                                                                  1  对象和方法
                下降,0~30 岁组为 34.3%,80~99 岁组为 20.2%            。
                PFO 与许多疾病的发生相关,例如隐源性卒中                            1.1  对象
               (cryptogenic stroke,CS)、短暂性脑缺血发作(tran⁃                 回顾性纳入2020年2月—2022年2月南京医科
                sient ischemic attack,TIA)、偏头痛等 。PFO 患者           大学第一附属医院心血管内科收治的186例PFO患
                中,随着右向左分流(right⁃to⁃left shunt,RLS)分级程             者。纳入标准:①TEE或心导管检查证实为PFO;②
                度的增加,脑卒中发生风险随之上升,因为RLS较大                          同时具有神经系统症状包括头痛、偏侧无力、视物
                时血栓通过隔膜的可能性增大,因此中⁃大量的RLS                          模糊、口角歪斜等且被神经内科医生明确诊断为偏
                是增加CS等发生的一个重要危险因素 ,因此准确                           头痛或 CS/TIA;③具有不明原因脑梗死症状。排除
                及时诊断 PFO 尤为重要。目前诊断 PFO 的方法有                       标准:①年龄<16 岁或>70 岁;②经查已明确病因的
                经颅多普勒声学造影(contrast transcranial doppler,          脑卒中(根据 TOAST 分型排除动脉粥样硬化、血管
                cTCD)、经胸超声心动图声学造影(contrast transtho⁃              炎、心源性等原因引发的脑卒中 );③明确原因的
                racic echocardiography,cTTE)及经食道超声心动图             继发性头痛,如感染、外伤等引起的头痛等;④既往
                声学造影(contrast transesophageal echocardiography,   有 CT 或磁共振成像诊断为肺动静脉瘘或无法进行
                cTEE)。虽然 cTEE 是目前诊断 PFO⁃RLS 的参考标                  Valsalva 动作的患者。本课题已由南京医科大学第
                准 [5-6] ,但在食管探头的干扰下,进行Valsalva动作常                 一附属医院医学伦理委员会审议通过(伦理审查号
                常不充分,且经食道超声心动图(transesophageal                    2021⁃NT⁃17),研究对象及家属均签署知情同意书。
                echocardiography,TEE)一般在空腹状态下进行,此                 1.2  方法

                时右房压降低,导致左右房压梯度降低,因此 cTEE                             所有 PFO 患者均于同一天在经胸超声心动图
                往往难以准确评估大的RLS 。而由于部分患者透                          (transthoracic echocardiography,TTE)和 TEE 下进行
                声条件差等,cTTE也常常无法准确诊断评估PFO患                         声学造影检查(生理盐水血液混悬液:将 9 mL 生理
                者 RLS 的量和类型。有研究表明 PFO 封堵后的闭                       盐水+1 mL 空气+1 滴回抽静脉血在 2 个 10 mL 注射
                合率更依赖于 PFO 的解剖结构而非器械类型 ,因                         器中搅拌至少10次,注射器由3通旋塞连接)。
                此在封堵前综合评估 PFO 形态和 RLS 程度具有重                           cTTE 检查时,患者采取平卧或左侧卧体位,选
                要临床意义。本研究旨在了解cTTE和cTEE在诊断                         取心尖四腔切面进行观察,分别在静息状态下和
                PFO 引起的 RLS 中的不同价值,并寻求确定最佳的                       Valsalva 动作时经左肘静脉注入生理盐水血液混悬
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