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第43卷第8期         季宇萌,秦会园,陆小虎,等. 心外膜脂肪体积与冠状动脉血管病变严重程度评估及预后的
                  2023年8月              相关性研究[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(8):1108-1114                   ·1109 ·

                EATV,PATT,and SYNTAX scores were calculated based on the patients imaging data. All patients were followed up six months after
                discharge,and adverse cardiovascular events,including cardiovascular ⁃ related death,myocardial infarction,stent reimplantation,
                cardiovascular⁃related disease readmission,stable angina,and unstable angina attacks,were recorded during the follow⁃up. The logistic
                regression model was used to analyze the decision⁃making significance of EATV for further coronary angiography(CAG)in patients
                with suspected coronary heart disease diagnosed by CCTA. We described the association of EATV with SYNTAX scores using person
                correlation analysis. We constructed a predictive model for the prognosis of patients with CAD based on EATV and related clinical
                indicators. Results:① EATV could improve the positive predictive value of clinical intervention after CAG examination in CCTA
                patients suspected of CAD(AUC rise to 0.771 from 0.562). ② Pearson correlation statistics showed that EATV was positively
                correlated with SYNTAX score(r=0.828,P<0.001),and the correlation persisted after EAT was standardized for BMI(r=0.774,P<
                0.001). ③EATV combined with clinical indicators:gender,LADHU(anterior descending branch adipose tissue Hounsfield unit),and
                LVDd(left ventricular diastolic diameter)could predict the occurrence of cardiovascular events after discharge(AUC=0.775). The
                prediction accuracy of this model was higher than that of SYNTAX alone(AUC=0.707). Conclusion:EATV was closely related to
                CAD and had guiding significance for clinical decision ⁃ making of patients with suspected coronary heart disease on CT. It was
                positively correlated with the SYNTAX score and had predictive relevance for the prognosis evaluation of coronary heart disease.
               [Key words] coronary artery disease;epicardial adipose tissue;coronary angiography;prognosis prediction
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(08):1108⁃1114]

                    冠状动脉粥样硬化心脏病(coronary artery dis⁃              均发现EAT可能参与CAD的发生及进展过程 ,心
                ease,CAD)及其并发症是全人群死亡的重要原因之                        外 膜 脂 肪 体 积(epicardial adipose tissue volume,
                一 ,每年约20%的全人群死于CAD 相关疾病 。心                        EATV)及 心外膜脂肪组织 CT 值(epicardial adipose
                外膜脂肪组织(epicardial adipose tissue,EAT)覆盖           tissue Hounsfield unit,EATHU)是评估预测其严重程
                正常心脏组织约80%的区域,其分布集中在室间沟                           度的重要影像特征        [8-9] 。
                和房室沟,起源于中胚叶,由白色、棕色、米色脂肪                               CAG 是目前确诊 CAD 的金标准并可同时行血
                细胞 3 种成分构成,此外还存在大量支配心脏的神                          管再通治疗,虽然 CAG 效果显著,但因医疗费用高
                经细胞和发挥免疫调节作用的免疫细胞。EAT 是                           且具有一定创伤性导致患者依从性低,而基于CAG
                功能活跃的内分泌器官,且与冠脉血管及心肌间                             的 SYNTAX 评分,根据病变位置、严重程度、分叉、
                无筋膜间隔与心脏共享血供和回流系统 ,更以旁                            钙化等解剖特点进行危险分层的定量积分,从而个
                分泌或血管分泌炎症因子影响冠状动脉血管进而                             体化评估复杂CAD患者三支病变血管严重程度,并
                参与CAD的疾病进展 。生理状态下,EAT参与心脏                         指导进一步临床处理方案             [10] ,是临床研究中评估
                能量代谢、免疫调节、冠脉血管的物理缓冲等,而病理                          CAD 严重程度和预测疾病预后的一项重要指标。
                状态下EAT具有强大的促进炎症反应、氧化应激及                           但是 SYNTAX 评分系统仅基于血管病变解剖学位
                纤维化的作用 。随着人们对EAT 和CAD 的认知不                        置,并不包括临床指标。CCTA 可检测冠状动脉狭
                断深入,EAT日渐成为CAD研究领域的热点。                            窄和钙化,并且越来越频繁地用于筛查无症状人群,
                    根据CAD诊断流程,拟诊CAD的患者可进行冠                        以评估发生CAD 和心脏事件的高风险人群,以及诊
                状动脉CT血管造影(coronary CT angiography,CCTA)           断有症状患者的阻塞性CAD 。此外 CCTA 操作简
                和冠状动脉造影(coronary angiography,CAG)检查,              单,可发现冠状动脉斑块和狭窄情况,可减轻患者
                研究表明以 CAG 为诊断标准,CCTA 对临床拟诊冠                       经济负担,而存在心律失常或者钙化严重时,CCTA
                心病的敏感性是 70.7%,特异性是 40.4%,准确性是                     的评估准确性将下降          [12] 。为提高CCTA在更广泛人
                84.1%,CCTA作为临床无创检查,方便快速,但敏感                       群(老年无症状患者和其他中等风险患者)中应用
                性和特异性均较低 。若能结合其他 CT 影像学检                          价值  [11] ,需进一步探究 EATV、EATHU 等影像学特
                测指标,或可提高CCTA 的临床应用价值。随着CT                         征在CAD诊疗、评估血管病变严重程度及预后中的
                检测技术的提高,基于 CT 进行 EAT 体积和厚度的                       价值和意义     [13] 。已有研究发现冠脉 CT 血流储备分
                定量分析成为可能,且测量准确性、重复性、客观性                           数联合斑块特征与心肌灌注显像可提高对 CAD 患
                较二维超声评估明显提高            [3,6] ,临床研究和基础研究           者主要不良心脏事件的预测效能 。
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