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第43卷第9期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2023年9月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·1301 ·

               ·综 述·


                高钟秀,顾莹莹,唐立钧          *
                南京医科大学大学第一附属医院核医学科,江苏 南京                    210029

               [摘   要] 子宫恶性肿瘤主要有宫颈癌与子宫内膜癌,分别位列中国女性恶性肿瘤发病率的第2、3位,其死亡率逐年递增,发
               (positron emission tomography,PET)显像(包括葡萄糖代谢、细胞增殖、雌激素受体、生长抑素受体、肿瘤乏氧和成纤维细胞激活
               [关键词] 宫颈癌;子宫内膜癌;PET显像
               [中图分类号] R817.4                   [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)09⁃1301⁃06

                Progress of new PET imaging techniques in uterine malignancies

                GAO Zhongxiu,GU Yingying,TANG Lijun *
                Department of Nuclear Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Uterine malignant tumors mainly include cervical cancer and endometrial cancer,which are the second and third most
                common female malignant tumors in China,respectively. The mortality of uterine malignant tumors is increasing by years,and the
                patients tend to be younger. In order to achieve individualized and accurate treatment,accurate staging of uterine lesions and high⁃
                quality therapeutic evaluation are needed. Positron emission tomography(PET)imaging of uterine malignant tumors,including glucose
                metabolism,cell proliferation,estrogen receptor,somatostatin receptor,hypoxia imaging and fibroblast activation protein inhibitor
                imaging,has significant advantages in tumor staging,monitoring response to targeted therapy,and early identification of
                chemoradiotherapy resistance. It has become a hot research topic in diagnosis and treatment of cervical and endometrial cancer.
               [Key words] cervical cancer;endometrial cancer;PET imaging
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(09):1301⁃1306]

                    近年来,中国女性宫颈癌(cervical cancer,CC)               参数变化无法及时反映治疗效果。正电子发射断
                与子宫内膜癌(endometrial cancer,EC)的发病率与                层扫描(positron emission tomography,PET)显像可
                死亡率逐年递增,发病人群也趋于年轻化 。CC与                           以在一次检查中整合代谢、解剖信息,是一种全身
                EC患者常伴有阴道流血、排液等病史,可通过诊刮、                          无创性的检查手段,其中以 F⁃脱氧葡萄糖( F⁃fluoro⁃
                阴道镜、宫腔镜等有创检查确诊。常规影像学检查                            2⁃deoxyglucose,F⁃FDG)应用最为成熟。但 F⁃FDG
                包括阴道超声、CT 和磁共振(magnetic resonance,                显像剂具有许多局限,如子宫炎性及生理性摄
                MR),但它们对全身多发转移的检出率不高,且其                           取导致的假阳性改变,或是由于肿瘤糖代谢不
                                                                  显著而致的假阴性表现             [2-4] ,因此众多新型 PET
                                                                  显 像 剂 及 新 设 备 正 在 研 发 。 本 文 将 针 对 新 型
               [基 金 项 目] 江 苏 省 医 学 重 点 人 才 基 金 项 目(ZDRCB
                2016003)                                          PET 显像剂及新设备在 CC 及 EC 诊疗中的应用
                ∗                                                 作一综述。
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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