Page 75 - 南京医科大学学报自然科学版
P. 75

第44卷第2期       方  印,俞    敏,周晓凯. del Nido和HTK停搏液在成人左心室肥厚患者心脏手术中心肌保护效果
                  2024年2月                 的比较[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(2):210-217                    ·213 ·

                                                          表1   一般资料
                                                       Table 1 General data

                                 Variables                    Group D(n=39)       Group H(n=36)         P
                      Male                                      22(56.4)            22(61.1)           0.680
                      Female                                    17(43.6)            14(38.9)
                    Age(years,x ± s)                           059.4 ± 11.0        058.4 ± 10.0        0.685
                    BMI(kg/m ,x ± s)                            24.7 ± 4.3          25.2 ± 3.5         0.554
                    ASA(x ± s)                                  03.2 ± 0.4          03.2 ± 0.5         0.496
                    NYHA(x ± s)                                 02.7 ± 0.6          02.7 ± 0.7         0.890
                    Hypertension[n(%)]                          17(43.6)            15(41.7)           0.866
                    DiabetesMellitus[n(%)]                      06(15.4)            04(11.1)           0.586
                    Hyperlipemia[n(%)]                          05(12.8)            06(16.7)           0.638
                    COPD[n(%)]                                   1(2.6)              0(0.0)           >0.999
                    Atrial fibrillation[n(%)]                   07(17.9)            05(13.9)           0.632
                    Stroke[n(%)]                                04(10.3)             2(5.6)            0.453
                    Smoking history[n(%)]                       12(30.8)            08(22.2)           0.403
                    Alcohol consumption history[n(%)]           05(12.8)            07(19.4)           0.434
                    ACEI/ARB[n(%)]                               2(5.1)             04(11.1)           0.419
                    β⁃blokers[n(%)]                             27(69.2)            22(61.1)           0.460
                    Calcium blockers[n(%)]                      15(38.5)            13(36.1)           0.833
                    Causes of left ventricular hypertrophy[n(%)]                                       0.141
                      Aortic valve stenosis                     14(35.9)            19(52.8)
                      Hypertrophiccardiomyopathy                25(64.1)            17(47.2)
                    Preoperative echocardiogram
                      IVS(mm,x ± s)                             16.6 ± 3.8          17.0 ± 4.3         0.705
                      LVPW(mm,x ± s)                            12.4 ± 2.0          12.8 ± 2.4         0.537
                      LVEDD(mm,x ± s)                           50.5 ± 7.7          49.0 ± 6.9         0.372
                      LVEF(%,x ± s)                             61.0 ± 6.5          61.9 ± 5.6         0.497
                      LVM(g,x ± s)                             316.8 ± 91.2        314.1 ± 98.6        0.904
                      LVMI(g/m ,x ± s)                         182.9 ± 43.1        183.3 ± 54.4        0.846

                                               表2 两组患者手术和体外循环情况的比较
                           Table 2 Comparison of surgical and cardiopulmonary bypass outcomes between the two groups

                                  Variables                     Group D(n=39)       Group H(n=36)         P
                   Procedures[n(%)]                                                                      0.141
                     Aortic valve replacement                     14(35.9)            19(52.8)
                     Morrow                                       25(64.1)            17(47.2)
                   Duration of procedures(min,x ± s)            0 268.3 ± 69.2      0 285.8 ± 54.7       0.229
                   Duration of cardiopulmonary bypass(min,x ± s)  0 132.4 ± 53.6    0 139.9 ± 48.1       0.527
                   Duration of aortic cross⁃clamp(min,x ± s)    0 091.9 ± 40.0      0 099.8 ± 39.2       0.386
                   Priming volume(mL,x ± s)                     1 038.5 ± 288.0     1 033.3 ± 343.9      0.944
                   Cardioplegia volume(mL,x ± s)                1 566.7 ± 563.0     1 851.4 ± 587.3      0.035
                   Times of administering cardioplegia(x ± s)   0 001.4 ± 0.5       0 001.3 ± 0.5        0.819
                   Duration of administering cardioplegia(min,x ± s)  0 005.6 ± 1.2  0 008.1 ± 1.1      <0.001

                2.4  两组患者心肌标志物和NT⁃proBNP的比较                       行两因素重复测量方差分析,结果显示:H 组 CK⁃
                    T1~T3各时间点的心肌标志物和NT⁃proBNP水                    MB 整体高于D组(F 组间=6.22,P=0.015),差异有统计

                平见表 4。对各时间点的心肌标志物和 NT⁃proBNP                      学意义;两组CK⁃MB随着时间的延长先增高后降低
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