Page 27 - 南京医科大学学报自然科学版
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第44卷第3期        胡   君,戴   丽,陈 霞,等. 神经肽Y/Y1受体激活β⁃catenin信号通路介导心肌细胞损伤[J].
                  2024年3月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(3):313-321                        ·317 ·

                                Control                ISO                BIBO3304+ISO            BIBO3304


                   HE staining


                B               Control                ISO                BIBO3304+ISO            BIBO3304

                                    C            **                D     5 4    **
                                         ANP mRNA level 6 4           β⁃MHC  3
                                       Relative  2    ##              Relative  mRNA level  2  ##

                                          0                              1 0
                                           Control BIBO3304+ISO          Control BIBO3304+ISO
                   A:Myocardial tissue of mice observed by HE staining. B:Myocardial tissue of mice observed by Masson staining(×200). C:Relative ANP mRNA
                level in the myocardial tissue of mice detected by qPCR. D:Relative β⁃MHC mRNA level in the myocardial tissue of mice detected by qPCR. Compared
                with the control group,P < 0.01;compared with the ISO group,P < 0.01(n=4).
                                            图2 BIBO3304缓解ISO诱导的心肌损伤和纤维化
                                   Figure 2 BIBO3304 alleviated ISO⁃induced myocardial injury and fibrosis

                      A                             B                            C
                             6                            3              **
                                            **         β⁃MHC       **               ( % ) 150   **
                          Relative ANP  mRNA level  4 2  **  Relative  mRNA level  2 1  Cell viability  100  **

                             0                            0                            0
                               Control Pro34 ] ⁃NPY Pro34 ] ⁃NPY  Control Pro34 ] ⁃NPY Pro34 ] ⁃NPY  Control Pro34 ] ⁃NPY Pro34 ] ⁃NPY
                                                                                                ( 100 nmol/L)
                                      ( 100 nmol/L)
                                                                   ( 100 nmol/L)
                                ( 10 nmol/L)
                                                                                          ( 10 nmol/L)
                                                             ( 10 nmol/L)
                             [ Leu31,  [ Leu31,           [ Leu31,  [ Leu31,           [ Leu31,  [ Leu31,
                   A:Relative ANP mRNA level detected by qPCR in H9C2 cells. B:Relative β⁃MHC mRNA level detected by q⁃PCR in H9C2 cells. C:Cell viability
                measured by CCK⁃8. Compared with the control group,P < 0.01(n=4).
                                             图3 [Leu31,Pro34]⁃NPY诱导H9C2细胞损伤
                                        Figure 3 [Leu31,Pro34]⁃NPY induced injury of H9C2 cells

                制[Leu31,Pro34]⁃NPY 诱导的 H9C2 细胞心肌肥大
                基因 ANP、β⁃MHC mRNA 表达上升(P < 0.05)和细                3 讨 论
                胞面积增加(P < 0.01),缓解心肌细胞活力下降                            本研究构建 ISO 诱导的小鼠心肌损伤模型和
               (P < 0.01,图6)。                                    [Leu31,Pro34]⁃NPY 诱导的 H9C2 细胞模型,探索
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