Page 35 - 南京医科大学学报自然科学版
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第44卷第3期         华  芮,李    宸,雍 辉,等. 改良球囊损伤联合高脂饮食建立兔腹主动脉粥样硬化模型[J].
                  2024年3月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(3):322-328                        ·325 ·

                性分布,与管腔分界清晰,回声强度均匀,为内膜增厚                          黄色沉积,巨噬细胞少量浸润,内弹力膜尚清晰。
                回声,与内弹性膜形成的高回声层间分界不清晰,强                           改良手术组:血管纵切面内膜普遍全程不均匀偏心
                度低于血管外膜,没有钙化回声,为脂质斑块。                             增厚,向管腔凸出,形成斑块。部分内膜断裂,增厚
                2.3  兔腹主动脉内膜增生情况                                  内膜各层细胞紊乱堆叠,胞浆嗜酸红染的平滑肌细
                    各组兔腹主动脉 HE 染色和巨噬细胞标志物                         胞减少,代之以大量胞浆淡染和充满脂质空泡的泡
                CD68表达情况见图3。假手术组:管腔单层内皮细                          沫细胞,大量巨噬细胞浸润,各层结构界限模糊,管
                胞扁平连续,未见增厚,平滑肌细胞整齐有序,细胞                           腔明显狭窄。
                核蓝染,胞浆呈红色,各层细胞及弹力膜结构清晰,                               与假手术组比,手术组内膜增厚程度及管腔狭
                无脂质沉积。未见棕黄色蛋白,无巨噬细胞沉积。                            窄比例差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。改良手术组
                经典手术组:管腔少部分内膜轻度增厚,增厚内膜                            内膜最大厚度、平均内膜厚度、内膜中膜面积比、管
                中多层平滑肌细胞排列紊乱,可见小空泡,少量棕                            腔狭窄比例均大于经典手术组(P < 0.05,表2)。

                                                    A                    B                    C
                   A:Sham group with no thickened intima. B:Classical intervention group with a slightly thickened intima. C:Modified intervention group with sig⁃
                nificantly thickened intima,indicated by the arrow.
                                            图2 术后高脂饮食4周各组兔腹主动脉IVUS影像
                      Figure 2 IVUS images of abdominal aortas in rabbits of each group after a high⁃cholesterol diet for 4 weeks

                             HE(×20)             CD68(×20)            CD68(×100)      J    0.20       *

                    Sham group                                                          deposition in thickened ( mean optical density)  0.15  *  *

                                         A                    B                    C    CD68  intima  0.05 0

                                                                                               Modified intervention group
                                                                                             Sham group
                  Classical  intervention group                                           Classical intervention group

                                         D                    E                    F

                  Modified  intervention group

                                         G                    H                    I
                   A:HE staining of the sham group with no thickened intima. B,C:Immunohistochemistry of CD68 protein in the sham group with no brownish⁃yel⁃
                low deposition. D:HE staining of the classical intervention group with a mild thickened intima in some parts. E,F:Immunohistochemistry of CD68 pro⁃
                tein in the classical intervention group with a small number of macrophage infiltration. G:HE staining of the modified intervention group with a signifi⁃
                cantly uneven intimal hyperplasia. H,I:Immunohistochemistry of CD68 protein in the modified intervention group with a large number of macrophage
                infiltration. J:The CD68 deposition in thickened intima of each group,P < 0.05.
                                  图3  术后高脂饮食4周各组兔的腹主动脉HE染色及CD68蛋白免疫组化染色
                Figure 3  The HE staining and CD68 immunohistochemical staining of abdominal aortas in rabbits of each group after a
                        high⁃cholesterol diet for 4 weeks
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