Page 36 - 南京医科大学学报自然科学版
P. 36

               ·326 ·                          南   京 医 科       大 学      学 报                        2024年3月

                                                表2 各组免腹主动脉内膜增生程度
                              Table 2 The degree of abdominal aorta intima hyperplasia in rabbits of each group  (x ± s)

                       Parameters         Sham group(n=5)  Classical intervention group(n=6)  Modified intervention group(n=6)
               Maximum intimal thickness(μm)  32.87 ± 3.26      174.69 ± 53.76 *            0418.5 ± 81.94 *#
               Mean intimal thickness(μm)   21.76 ± 1.18        077.49 ± 18.02 *            262.63 ± 53.04 *#
               Ratio of intima to media area  00.05 ± 0.01       00.39 ± 0.14 *              01.57 ± 0.30 *#
               Vascular stenosis(%)         01.99 ± 0.42         19.04 ± 5.90 *             052.13 ± 11.31 *#

                 Compared with the sham group,P < 0.05;compared with the classical intervention group,P < 0.05.
              2.4  早期斑块中CD47的表达                                 组可见棕黄色染色团块聚集于泡沫细胞内,颗粒状
                  各组腹主动脉HE染色及斑块中的抗吞噬蛋白                          弥散性表达于细胞外基质。平滑肌层细胞核蓝染,
              CD47 的免疫组化检测结果见图 4。假手术组的腹                         胞质透明,无棕色沉积,各层界限分明,提示斑块内
              主动脉内膜未见棕黄色染色,提示 CD47 低表达或                         CD47高表达,且局限于增生的内膜。与假手术组和
              不表达;经典手术组可见少量棕黄色染色团块聚集                            经典手术组比,CD47在改良手术组的表达差异有统
              于增生内膜内,提示斑块内CD47低表达;改良手术                          计学意义。

                           HE(×20)             CD47(×20)            CD47(×100)      J                *

                   Sham group                                                         deposition in thickened ( mean optical density)  0.10  *  *

                                       A                    B                    C    CD47  intima  0

                                                                                             Modified intervention group
                                                                                           Sham group
                 Classical  intervention group                                          Classical intervention group

                                       D                    E                    F

                 Modified  intervention group

                                       G                    H                    I
                 A:HE staining of the sham group with no thickened intima. B,C:Immunohistochemistry of CD47 protein in the sham group with no brownish⁃yellow
              deposition in the intima. D:HE staining of the classical intervention group with mild thickened intima in some parts. E,F:Immunohistochemistry of
              CD47 protein in the classical intervention group with mild brownish⁃yellow deposition in the intima. G:HE staining of the modified intervention group
              with significantly uneven intimal hyperplasia. H,I:Immunohistochemistry of CD47 protein in the modified intervention group with extensive brownish⁃
              yellow deposition in the intima. J:The CD47 deposition in thickened intima of each group,P < 0.05.
                                            图4   各组兔腹主动脉CD47蛋白免疫组化染色
                         Figure 4  The CD47 immunohistochemical staining of abdominal aortas in rabbits of each group

              3  讨 论
                                                                足 [15-16] 。本研究在传统内皮损伤法的基础上进行改
                  兔与人类的血脂代谢极为相似,是最早用于建                          良。经典球囊损伤多采用 3.5 mm×15.0 mm 球囊导
              立AS模型的动物之一         [11] 。单纯高脂饮食造模,造模              管 8~14 个大气压(810.4~1 418.2 kPa)扩张后回拉
              周期长、慢性并发症较多、模型成功率受个体间差                            3 次造成内皮损伤        [17] 。在本研究的球囊损伤模型
              异影响大,实际应用受限           [12-14] 。现多采用球囊损伤           中,首先采用直径2.0 mm的球囊进入股动脉,4个大
              联合高脂饮食,一定程度上缩短了造模时间,但周                            气压(405.2 kPa)扩张后阻断血流,将导丝沿球囊送
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