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第44卷第7期       徐   杰,王 喆,张忠满,等. 细菌性肝脓肿合并糖尿病患者出现脓毒性休克的危险因素分析[J].
                  2024年7月                      南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(7):934-940                       ·937 ·

                                                     表3   2组患者生化结果比较
                                     Table 3 Comparisons of biochemical results between the two groups

                         Variable         Septic shock group(n=47)  Non⁃septic shock group(n=193)  t/χ 2   P
                  Blood routine examination
                    WBC(×10 /L,x ± s)          13.09 ± 7.490             10.83 ± 4.860         -2.53      0.012
                    NE(×10 /L,x ± s)           11.29 ± 7.380              8.92 ± 4.66          -2.73      0.007
                    RBC(×10 /L,x ± s)           3.73 ± 0.74               4.30 ± 5.85          -0.66      0.509
                    HGB(g/L,x ± s)            111.60 ± 22.250           115.29 ± 18.920        -1.15      0.250
                    PLT(×10 /L,x ± s)         171.95 ± 122.18           225.38 ± 125.73        -2.66      0.009
                  Liver and kidney function
                    ALT(U/L,x ± s)             58.51 ± 61.59            068.76 ± 137.92        -0.75      0.450
                    AST(U/L,x ± s)             57.67 ± 82.72            074.09 ± 346.68        -0.58      0.558
                    GLB(g/L,x ± s)             30.79 ± 6.260             28.24 ± 6.610         -2.35      0.019
                    TBIL(μmol/L,x ± s)         14.08 ± 10.08             15.31 ± 10.82         -0.681     0.847
                    DBIL(μmol/L,x ± s)          8.37 ± 7.01               7.99 ± 7.08          -0.278     0.838
                    BUN(μmol/L,x ± s)           6.73 ± 4.69              09.85 ± 22.67         -1.74      0.082
                    SCr(μmol/L,x ± s)          70.66 ± 28.21             80.60 ± 75.58         -1.44      0.151

                   WBC:white blood cell;NE:neutrophil;RBC:red blood cell;HGB:hemoglobin;PLT:platelet;NLR:neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio;ALT:alanine
                aminotransferase;AST:aspartate aminotransferase;GLB:globulin;TBIL:total bilirubin;DBIL:direct bilirubin;BUN:blood urea nitrogen;SCr:serum

                                                     表4   2组患者凝血功能比较
                                     Table 4 Comparisons of coagulation function between the two groups  (x ± s)

                             Variable             Septic shock group(n=47)  Non⁃septic shock group(n=193)  t/χ 2  P
                  PT(s)                                15.10 ± 4.38            13.57 ± 1.66        -3.38  0.001
                  PT internationalized standardized ratio  01.33 ± 0.48        01.18 ± 0.15        -3.28  0.001
                  Partial thromboplastin activation time(s)  32.45 ± 8.99      30.34 ± 4.68        -2.11  0.035
                  Thrombin time(s)                     17.70 ± 3.68            17.00 ± 1.35        -1.98  0.048
                  Fibrinogen(g/L)                      04.98 ± 1.74            05.30 ± 1.77         1.07  0.286
                  D⁃dimer(mg/L)                        04.15 ± 3.77            03.75 ± 5.33        -0.34  0.729
                   PT:prothrombin time.

                                                     表5   2组患者炎症指标比较
                                   Table 5 Comparisons of inflammatory indicators between the two groups  [M(P25,P75)]
                            Variable            Septic shock group(n=47)  Non⁃septic shock group(n=193)  Z  P
                  CRP(mg/L)                       94.50(42.80,115.75)     98.00(50.42,134.75)0    998.00  0.386
                  PCT(ng/mL)                       2.11(0.25,4.99)00      2.09(0.47,12.96)0 0    1 215.50  0.567
                  Erythrocyte sedimentation rate(mm/h)  67.52(30.22,98.30)0  85.10(46.00,105.20)0  89.10  0.556
                  Ferroprotein(ng/mL)            611.20(251.90,843.30)   554.00(365.60,1 101.20)   39.00  0.501

                   PCT:procalcitonin;CRP:C⁃reactive protein.

               (P > 0.1)。将呼吸频率、最高体温、PT、APACHEⅡ                    供,来自肝动脉和门静脉系统的感染源均可致病,
                评分及CTP评分共同纳入二元Logistic回归分析后发                      病情危重可发生脓毒性休克,甚至死亡,PLA常见于
                现呼吸频率、最高体温及PT是PLA合并糖尿病患者                          肝病、胆道疾病、糖尿病及有创性手术的患者。既
                出现脓毒性休克的独立预测因素(P < 0.05,表8)。                      往研究发现,与非糖尿病患者相比,糖尿病患者更
                                                                  易发生 PLA 。同时,对于控制不佳的糖尿病,PLA
                3  讨 论
                                                                  的发生风险更高,通过改善血糖可以有效降低 PLA
                    PLA 是一类肝脏的感染性疾病,由于其双重血                        的发生率 。在人群分布中,本研究发现 PLA 合并
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