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               ·1070 ·                           南 京    医 科 大 学 学         报                        2024年8月

              stage in the observation group were lower than those in the corresponding control group,and the difference was statistically significant
             (P < 0.05). There was no statistical significance in the postoperative complications of patients with T2+T3,T2 and T3 stage in the
              observation group compared with the corresponding control group(P > 0.05). The postoperative recurrence rate of patients with T2+T3
              and T3 stage in the observation group was lower than that of the control group,with statistical significance(P < 0.05),while the
              postoperative recurrence rate of patients with T2 stage in the observation group was lower than that of the control group,with no
              statistical significance(P > 0.05). Conclusion:Low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation under nasal endoscope can treat
              Krouse T2 and T3 stage NIP and its base under a clear surgical field of view. It has the advantages of less intraoperative blood loss,
              shorter length of hospitalization,less pain and lower recurrence rate,compared with routine operation. And it has satisfactory clinical
              efficacy,which is worthy of popularization and application.
             [Key words] nasal inverted papilloma;nasal endoscopy;low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation
                                                                          [J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(08):1069⁃1075]

                  鼻内翻性乳头状瘤(nasal inverted papilloma,
                                                                1  对象和方法
              肿瘤,发病率为 0.6/10 万~1.5/10 万,占鼻⁃鼻窦肿瘤                 1.1  对象
              的0.5%~4.7%  [1-2] ,病因不明,具有局部侵蚀破坏力,                     回顾分析2012年10月—2022年10月,南京医科
              可发生在鼻腔鼻窦的任何部位,有复发甚至恶变倾                            大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)耳鼻咽喉⁃头颈
              向 。通过术前充分的影像学及内镜评估,判定肿                            外科收治确诊NIP患者的临床资料。纳入标准:①无
              瘤根基及累及范围,划分肿瘤分期,拟定合适的手                            鼻腔鼻窦手术史;②根据手术记录判定肿瘤术中分
              术方案,符合目前 NIP 精准治疗理念 。既往传统                         期,选择符合Krouse 4级分期系统 (表1)的T2和T3
              手术方式多采用鼻外径路,随着鼻内镜技术的快速                            期病例;③术后定期复查且随访时间至少1年。排除
              发展以及对 NIP 的深入研究,内镜可视下切除肿瘤                         标准:①2次或多次手术;②鼻外翻性或嗜酸性细胞
              根基是目前治疗NIP的主流。传统鼻内镜下吸切动                           乳头状瘤;③合并心、肝、肾功能不全或其他严重器质
              力系统在切除肿瘤时因不具备同步电凝、止血及冲                            性疾病。根据术中是否使用低温等离子切除肿瘤并
              洗的功能,当术中出血较多时易致术野不清,从而                            处理肿瘤根基,分为使用低温等离子射频消融的观察
              增加了术者对肿瘤基底精准处理的难度,导致肿瘤                            组和不使用低温等离子射频消融的对照组。
              组织细胞残留。近年来,低温等离子射频消融技术                            1.2  方法
              凭借其集吸引、消融、切割、止血、冲洗及降温为一                           1.2.1 术前评估
              体的多功能特点已广泛运用于外科微创手术中,                                  术前通过影像学检查,评估肿瘤大小范围及原
              在可视化处理鼻腔肿瘤根基领域也表现出独有的                             发部位。原发部位的判断方法:早期病例术前主要
              优势 。因笔者科室处理Krouse T1期NIP多采用双                      依据鼻窦CT的骨质异常增生特征,晚期病例则采用
              极电凝镊处理基底的方式切除,T4期病变的手术方                           鼻窦 CT 的骨质异常增生特征结合鼻窦磁共振成像
              式多选择鼻外径路,且相关病例数相对较少,所以未                           的脑回征来判断肿瘤起源部位。
              纳入本研究。现将笔者科室内镜下低温等离子切除                            1.2.2 手术器械选择
              Krouse T2和T3期NIP的临床疗效分析如下。                             德国STORZ鼻内镜显像系统,根据病变累及范

                                                   表1 Krouse的NIP分期系统
                                              Table 1 Staging system of NIP by Krouse

               Stage                                           Standard
               T1       Stage I disease is limited to the nasal cavity alone without malignant transformation
               T2       Stage Ⅱ disease is limited to the ethmoid sinuses and medial and superior portions of the maxillary sinuses without
                        malignant transformation
               T3       Stage Ⅲ disease involves the lateral or inferior aspects of the maxillary sinuses or extension into the frontal or sphenoid
                        sinuses without malignant transformation
               T4       Stage Ⅳ disease involves tumor spread outside the confines of the nose and sinuses,as well as any malignancy
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