Page 69 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 69

第1期 总第102期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2021年2月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)     · 63  ·

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              Development of nursing under the background of modern social change

                                 —— From the perspective of“change”between nursing and nurse
                                                        QIAO Huini
                            School of History,Culture and Tourism,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541001,China
                 Abstract:In the second half of the 19th century,western missionaries came to China for medical
             missionary activities,which promoted the emergence and development of western nursing. With the development
             of nursing in China,the appellation of nursing practitioners is constantly changing,among which the two words
            “nursing”and“nurse”are more common. From the perspective of“change”between nursing and nurse,this
             paper aims to analyze the changes in the use of appellations for nurses and the source of nurses,so as to
             further consider the development of modern nursing and the social changes in China. The transform of nursing
             and nurse is not only a change in the name of nursing practitioners,but also a manifestation of gradual
             development in nursing under the influence of different medical models in modern society. With the change of
             social environment,the development of nursing was gradually standardized and professionalized under the
             leadership of the government. The internal choices of nursing and the external thrust of social development
             promote its transformation of nursing. The nursing has also been further recognized and accepted in the society.
                 Key words:nurse;modern society;nursing
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