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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                                第2期 总第103期
             · 132  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年4月

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               Some important issues of establishing health planning in the new era

                               ZHANG Hanqing ,WANG Xuanxuan ,CHEN Jiaying ,SHI Jinlou      1
               1. School of Health Policy and Management,2. Institute of Healthy Jiangsu Development,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing
                 Abstract:As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,the principal contradiction
             facing Chinese society has been transformed into the one between the people’s growing needs for a better life
             and the unbalanced and inadequate development. The change of the main social contradiction has prompted the
             CPC Central Committee to implement the development strategy of Healthy China,which puts forward new
             requirements for the development of China’s health cause. The formulation of health development plan is facing
             a series of problems,such as how to integrate health in all policies,allocate health resources based on needs,

             and achieve the unity of equity and efficiency,etc. Through the in⁃depth study of these problems,this study
             aimed to promote the formulation of health plans for local governments in line with the characteristics of the new
             era,and help the development of the health cause in the new era in China.
                 Key words:health planning; Healthy China strategy; health in all policies;need oriented;equity and
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