Page 61 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 61
第5期 总第106期 南
2021年10月 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) · 467 ·
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Study on the Health Education Weekly in the Republic of China
ZHANG Ailin,XIA Yuanyuan
Research Center for Medical History,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
Abstract:Based on the study of the Health Education Weekly in the 1930s,this paper analyzed the
background and purpose of the Weekly,which mainly aimed at the exploration of meeting the realistic needs of
suffering,filling up the deficiencies of health administration,helping the public to realize and become secular,
and pushing forward the social transformation. The basic contents of the Weekly included carrying out health
research,spreading health knowledge,connecting health administration and participating in important events.
The Weekly also had some inspirations for the contemporary health cause,which can make us re⁃examine the
connotation of“health”and“health education”,draw lessons from various forms of health education,and
empower social governance and public health literacy.
Key words:health education journal;education history;medicine