Page 45 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 45

第6期 总第107期                           南
               2021年12月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 559  ·
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               Research on the hotspots of health risk communication under public

                                                     health events

                                        TAN Gangrui ,WANG Jianming ,WANG Jinfan   1
                       1. School of Marxism,2. School of Public Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                 Abstract:In order to understand the research status and hot research directions in the field of health risk
             communication under public health events,290 selected studies were visually analyzed by CiteSpace. This
             study found that health risk communication under public health events had attracted much attention and the
             focus on it continued to rise in recent years. After further analyzing the selected studies,the relationship
             diagram of health risk communication subjects under public health events was drawn. Through literature review,

             we found that at current stage,health risk communication had changed from the one ⁃ way public health
             education mode to the multi⁃agent interactive communication mode. Trust and interaction were the key factors
             affecting the communication process. The hot research direction should be how the public,the media and other
             subjects participate in health risk communication and how to play a role in the mutual communication process.
             The measurement of the relationship between the subjects and the weight in the communication process are still
             issues to be studied.
                 Key words:public health events;health risk communication;literature review
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