Page 79 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 79

第2期 总第109期                           南
                2022年4月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 173  ·
             独立医学实验室的主要设备、检验人员、原材料储                                 验室管理电子杂志,2020,8(1):54-59
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                Practice and enlightenment of non⁃government independent clinical

                  laboratory participated in the large⁃scale detection of COVID⁃19

                                                 JIANG Hao ,SHEN Zhou    3
              1. Jiangsu Suncadia Industrial Co.,Ltd. Nanjing Branch,Nanjing 210008;2. Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang
                                   222000 ;3. Nanjing Market Regulation Bureau,Nanjing 210018,China
                 Abstract:In order to achieve the epidemic prevention goal of“dynamic zero⁃COVID”,conducting nucleic
             acid tests for all citizens is one of the most important measures. This paper summarized the practical experience
             of COVID tests in non ⁃ government independent clinical laboratory(ICL) in one metropolis,and makes a
             statistical analysis of the data and materials collected from field visits and questionnaires. The results showed that
             21 non⁃government ICL participated in the large⁃scale detection of COVID⁃ 19. The maximum daily detection
             capacity of the 21 laboratories could be expanded from 271 000 to 840 000. A total of 4.227 million samples
             were tested in 19 days. The main problems found in the survey were:the uneven distribution of laboratories in
             various regions,the incomplete matching of sample distribution and capacity of laboratories in the early stage of
             the epidemic,the shortage of professional inspection personnel,and the untimely clearance of medical waste in
             some laboratories. It was suggested that the introduction and cultivation of ICL should be attached importance
             by local governments,test samples should be rationally allocated,the mechanism of inspector reserving should
             be established,and the ability to predict and dispatch medical waste should be strengthened.
                 Key words:COVID⁃19;nucleic acid detection;independent clinical laboratory
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