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第4期 总第117期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                 2023年8月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 341  ·
              [7] 唐登华.“新冠肺炎”流行期社会心理响应建议[J]. 中                    [14] 林志萍,王丽萍,余斌,等. 抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫
                    国心理卫生杂志,2020,34(3):238-239                        情期间一线防疫人员不良情绪反应及其影响因素分析
              [8] 梅俊华,李静,王婧. 心理睡眠“阳光医院”模式在新型                         [J]. 中国公共卫生,2020,36(5):677-681
                    冠状病毒肺炎防控中开展推广[J]. 时珍国医国药,                    [15] 谢彦昕,齐慧,潘杰,等. COVID⁃19 疫情防控常态化下
                    2020,31(3):716-718                                某疾病预防控制系统职工心理健康现状及影响因素
              [9] 赵梦雪,冯正直. 近二十五年中国军人心理健康研究                           [J]. 中华疾病控制杂志,2022,26(5):604-610
                    的知识图谱——基于 CiteSpace 的可视化分析[J]. 心             [16] 田雨顺. 大数据分析在重大突发公共事件心理危机干
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                   的 2019 新型冠状病毒研究热点的可视化分析[J]. 中                      幸福感的关系:创造力的中介和安全感的调节作用

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                   基于 CiteSpace 的知识图谱分析[J]. 心理学探新,                    创伤后成长现状及影响因素分析[J]. 中华护理杂志,
                   2020,40(4):302-308,384                             2020,55(S1):587-589
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                    55(S1):166-168                                                             (本文编辑:姜       鑫)

                    Knowledge graph of relevant mental health research during the

                                              “COVID⁃19”in China

                                              ——Visual analysis based on CiteSpace
                                             LIU Huan,PENG Qinghe,TAO Qunshan
                    School of Pharmaceutical Economics and Management,Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230012,China
                   Abstract:The bibliometric tool CiteSpace 6.1.R6 was used to visually analyze the 737 mental health ⁃
               related literature in the CNKI database,including SCI,CSSCI,CSCD and Peking University core journals
               during 2020—2022 to summarize the development context of the past three years. The research showed that the
               core authors collaborate relatively closely while the horizontal cooperation of institutions is insufficient with few
               cross ⁃ regional research. Anxiety,depression and insomnia have become research hotspots. The research
               structure includes research methods, research objects, influencing factors and coping strategies. The
               development network is divided into three periods: explosive growth, dynamic development as well as
               refinement and sublimation. The impact of COVID ⁃ 19 on the mental health of Chinese people has not yet
               terminated for the past three years. Therefore,researchers should strengthen application⁃oriented policies on
               mental health and improve the construction of mental health service system for major public health events and
               post⁃pandemic psychological tracking research,therefore providing decision⁃making references for similar major
               public health emergencies in the future.
                   Key words:COVID⁃19;mental health;bibliometric analysis;CiteSpace
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