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               第2期 总第121期                           南
                 2024年4月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 135  ·
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                      A study of the impact and pathways of digital inclusion on the

                                       subjective well⁃being of older people
                                               JIANG Shanshan ,ZONG Zhanhong  2
                 1. School of Science,2. School of Sociology and Population Sciences,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
                                                      Nanjing 210023,China
                   Abstract:Based on the 2017 China General Social Survey(CGSS)data,this study examined the effect of
               digital integration on the subjective well ⁃ being of older adults and the mediating role of social participation
               through structural equation modelling. The results showed that digital integration positively affected on the
               subjective well⁃being of older adults(b=0.120,P<0.001). Additionally,digital integration also promoted social
               participation(b=0.509,P<0.001),which in turn had a significant positive impact on subjective well⁃being(b=
               0.166,P<0.001). Social participation partially mediated between digital integration and subjective well⁃being,
               with a mediating effect of 42.9%. Therefore,it is recommended to encourage older adults to take the initiative
               to learn digital skills,and actively participate in social activities. Improvements in the construction of digital
               facilities are essential to improve digital literacy,reduce social isolation,and better integrate into the digital
                   Key words:digital inclusion;social participation;subjective well⁃being;the elderly
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