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                        Resolution of conflict of legal interest between healthcare

                professionals’freedom of medical affairs and patient privacy rights in
                             the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases

                                                 SHI Huimin,ZHANG Hengshan
                                          Law School,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
                   Abstract:The disclosure of infectious disease information involves social stability and public welfare. As a
               front⁃line exposure group,medical personnel have the obligation to inform patients while also having the right to
               disclose the relevant information about the condition to a specific range of uninformed persons. However,in the
               process of diagnosis and treatment,medical personnel also have the mission of protecting patients’privacy and
               respecting their personalities. How to protect patient’s privacy and safety while preventing and treating
               infectious diseases orderly remains to be pondered. This article analyzes the conflict between the freedom of
               speech of medical personnel and the privacy of patients,and seeks to reconcile the contradiction between the
               basic value construction and the legal protection and derogation of medical staff and patients.
                   Key words:prevention and control of infectious diseases;doctor ⁃ patient disputes;legal protection;

               reasonable derogation
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