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南 第2期 总第121期
· 188 · Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) 2024年4月
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On Mao Zedong’s important discourse on public health and its
contemporary value(1949—1976)
LI Wenhui ,TAO Lin 1,2
1. School of Marxism,2. School of Public Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
Abstract:After the founding of the People’s Republic of China,Mao Zedong formulated a series of
healthcare systems and guidelines based on inheriting and developing the Marxist concept of health following
the severe international and domestic environment,and formed Mao Zedong’s important discourse on public
health. The main contents include attaching great importance to the significance of public health policies,
regarding public health,epidemic prevention,and general healthcare work as a major political task. Mao also
stressed the importance of adhering to the basic value orientation of the new China’s public health policy,that
is,populism and public welfare,emphasizing the implementation of public health at the grassroots level,
adhering to the principle of integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine,and establishing a public
health protection system centered on equity. Mao Zedong on public health promoted the further development of
healthcare at that time,and also had crucial guiding significance and value for healthcare with Chinese
characteristics in the new era.
Key words:Mao Zedong’s important discourses on public health;scientific connotation;the value of the