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第41卷第2期        郭苗苗,刘龙飞,谢梦晓,等. GCN5调控sublytic C5b⁃9诱导大鼠肾小球系膜细胞表达Cyclin D1
                  2021年2月          及致SOX9的乙酰化修饰[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2021,41(02):160-165                 ·165 ·

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                能否与GCN5结合并被GCN5乙酰化修饰,在体外进                        [6] KHURANA N,SIKKA S C. Interplay between SOX9,wnt/
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                C5b⁃9 刺激 GMC 后,其 SOX9 确可与 GCN5 结合,且
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                GCN5 能明显提高 SOX9 的乙酰化水平,而在 GMC
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                                                                       proliferation of glomerular mesangial cells via ERK5/
                Cyclin D1蛋白表达均已增加的基础上,进一步探讨
                                                                       MZF1/RGC⁃32 axis activated by FBXO28⁃TRAF6 com⁃
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                                                                                            [收稿日期] 2020-10-19
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