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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第43卷第1期
               · 34  ·                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)  2023年1月


              E3 泛素连接酶 Cbl 家族在子宫颈鳞状细胞癌中的表达及临床


              张邢松,沈 蓉,朱兴华,缪小兵             *

              南通大学附属肿瘤医院(南通市肿瘤医院)病理科,江苏 南通                      226361

             [摘    要] 目的:探讨Casitas B细胞淋巴瘤(Casitas B⁃lineage lymphoma,Cbl)蛋白家族在子宫颈鳞状细胞癌(cervical squamous
              cell carcinoma,CSCC)中的表达及临床意义。方法:利用免疫组化法检测 114 例 CSCC 中 c⁃Cbl、Cbl⁃b 和 Cbl⁃c 的表达情况,分
              析c⁃Cbl、Cbl⁃b和Cbl⁃c表达水平与CSCC患者临床病理特征、无瘤生存期(disease free survival,DFS)和总生存期(overall survival,
              达59例。c⁃Cbl在癌组织和癌旁鳞状上皮组织化学评分(histochemistry score,H⁃score)分别为143.80 ± 8.76、95.13 ± 6.54,其在癌组
              织中的表达高于癌旁鳞状上皮(P < 0.001);Cbl⁃b在癌组织和癌旁鳞状上皮H⁃score分别为83.95 ± 5.28、93.54 ± 3.91,其在癌和
              癌旁鳞状上皮中的表达无差异(P=0.146);Cbl⁃c在癌组织和癌旁鳞状上皮H⁃score分别为83.62 ± 6.34、36.54 ± 4.64,其在癌组织
              中的表达高于癌旁鳞状上皮(P < 0.001)。c⁃Cbl 在高~中分化以及最大径 < 4 cm 肿瘤中表达较高(P 均 < 0.05),但 c⁃Cbl表达
              与患者年龄、脉管侵犯、浸润深度、淋巴结转移以及FIGO分期无关(P均 > 0.05)。Cbl⁃b在浸润深度 > 2/3纤维肌层患者中表达
              较高(P=0.045),但 Cbl⁃b 表达与患者年龄、脉管侵犯、肿瘤分化、肿瘤最大径、淋巴结转移以及 FIGO 分期无关(P均 > 0.05)。
              无关(P均 > 0.05)。Kaplan⁃Meier生存分析显示:c⁃Cbl高表达患者比低表达患者的DFS和OS长(P均 < 0.05);Cbl⁃b以及Cbl⁃c表达
              与患者的 DFS 和 OS 均无关(P 均 > 0.05)。Cox 单因素和多因素分析显示:c⁃Cbl 表达是影响 DFS 的独立预后因素(P=0.042);
             [关键词] 子宫颈肿瘤;鳞状细胞癌;泛素连接酶;c⁃Cbl;Cbl⁃b;Cbl⁃c
             [中图分类号] R737.33                     [文献标志码] A                     [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)01⁃034⁃06

              Expression and clinical significance of E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl family in cervical squamous
              cell carcinoma

              ZHANG Xingsong,SHEN Rong,ZHU Xinghua,MIAO Xiaobing   *
              Department of Pathology,Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Nantong University,Nantong Tumor Hospital,Nantong

             [Abstract] Objective:To investigate the expression and clinical significance of Casitas B⁃lineage lymphoma(Cbl)protein family in
              cervical squamous cell carcinoma(CSCC). Methods:Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of c⁃Cbl,Cbl⁃b,and Cbl⁃c
              in 114 cases of CSCC. The correlations between c⁃Cbl,Cbl⁃b,and Cbl⁃c expression and clinicopathological characteristics,disease free
              survival(DFS)and overall survival(OS)were analyzed. Results:Of the 114 CSCC patients,87 had high c⁃Cbl expression and 27 had
              low c⁃Cbl expression;69 had high Cbl⁃b expression and 45 had low Cbl⁃b expression;55 had high Cbl⁃c expression and 59 had low Cbl⁃c
              expression. The histochemistry score(H⁃score)of c⁃Cbl in CSCC tissues and the adjacent normal tissues was 143.80 ± 8.76 and
              95.13 ± 6.54,respectively. c⁃Cbl expression was increased in CSCC compared with the adjacent normal tissues(P < 0.001). The H⁃score

             [基金项目] 南通市卫健委面上项目(MB2020019)
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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