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第43卷第1期          张邢松,沈     蓉,朱兴华,等. E3泛素连接酶Cbl家族在子宫颈鳞状细胞癌中的表达及临床
                2023年1月                  意义[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(01):034-039                     · 35  ·

                of Cbl⁃b in CSCC tissues and the adjacent normal tissues was 83.95 ± 5.28 and 93.54 ± 3.91,respectively. There was no significant
                difference in Cbl⁃b expression between CSCC tissues and the adjacent normal tissues(P=0.146). The H⁃score of Cbl⁃c in CSCC tissues
                and the adjacent normal tissues was 83.62 ± 6.34 and 36.54 ± 4.64,respectively. Cbl⁃c expression was increased in CSCC compared
                with the adjacent normal tissues(P < 0.001). c⁃Cbl expression was higher in highly to moderately differentiated tumors and tumors with
                a maximum diameter less than 4 cm(both P < 0.05),but it was not related to the patient’s age,vascular invasion,depth of invasion,
                lymph node metastasis and FIGO stage(all P >0.05). Cbl ⁃ b expression was higher in patients with invasion depth > 2/3 of
                fibromuscular layer(P=0.045),but it was not related to patient’s age,vascular invasion,tumor differentiation,maximum tumor
                diameter,lymph node metastasis and FIGO stage(all P > 0.05). Cbl⁃c expression was higher in poorly differentiated tumors(P=0.012),
                but it was not related to patient’s age,vascular invasion,depth of invasion,maximum tumor diameter,lymph node metastasis and FIGO
                stage(all P > 0.05). Kaplan⁃Meier survival analysis showed that patients with high c⁃Cbl expression had prolonged DFS and OS
                compared with those with low c⁃Cbl protein expression(both P < 0.05). However,the expression levels of Cbl⁃b and Cbl⁃c were not
                related to DFS and OS(P > 0.05). Cox univariate and multivariate analysis showed that c ⁃ Cbl expression was an independent
                prognostic factor for DFS(P=0.042). c⁃Cbl was a factor affecting OS,but not an independent prognostic factor for OS in CSCC(P=
                0.096). Conclusion:Patients with high c⁃Cbl expression have prolonged DFS and OS compared with those with low c⁃Cbl protein
                expression. c⁃Cbl expression is an independent prognostic factor for DFS,but not an independent prognostic factor for OS in CSCC. The
                expression levels of Cbl⁃b and Cbl⁃c are not related to DFS and OS in CSCC. Detection of the expression status of c⁃Cbl may provide a
                reference for predicting the prognosis of CSCC patients.
               [Key words] cervical neoplasm;squamous cell carcinoma;ubiquitin ligase;c⁃Cbl;Cbl⁃b;Cbl⁃c
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(01):034⁃039]

                                                                  1 材料和方法
                区 [1] 。子宫颈鳞状细胞癌(cervical squamous cell            1.1 材料
                carcinoma,CSCC)是子宫颈癌最常见的组织学亚型 。                       收集2008年6月—2014年8月南通市肿瘤医院
                泛素化是一种重要的蛋白翻译后修饰,通过严格且                            病理科确诊的 CSCC 石蜡标本 114 例。患者年龄
                精准地调控蛋白质稳定性来维持激活信号与抑制                             29~75 岁,中位年龄 55 岁。114 例患者中无脉管侵
                信号之间的平衡,参与多种生命活动。泛素化需                             犯95例,有脉管侵犯19例。肿瘤高~中分化49例,低
                要 E1 泛素激活酶(E1 ubiquitin⁃activating enzymes,       分化 65 例。浸润深度<1/3 纤维肌层 47 例,1/3~2/3
                简称 E1)、E2 泛素结合酶(E2 ubiquitin⁃conjugating          纤维肌层 30 例,>2/3 纤维肌层 37 例。肿瘤最大
                enzymes,简称 E2)以及 E3 泛素连接酶(E3 ubiquitin            径< 4 cm 104 例,≥4 cm 10 例。无盆腔淋巴结转移
                ligases,简称 E3)的协同作用。E1 激活泛素后将泛                    100例,有盆腔淋巴结转移 14 例。FIGO 分期Ⅰ~Ⅱ
                素传递给E2;E3负责底物的特异性识别,可将结合                          A 期 100 例,ⅡB~Ⅲ期14例。入选病例样本均为手
                E2 的泛素连接到靶蛋白上           [3-4] 。Casitas B 细胞淋巴     术标本,患者术前均未接受放、化疗。本研究经本
                瘤(Casitas B⁃lineage lymphoma,Cbl)蛋白是 E3 大家        院伦理委员会审核批准(通肿伦审2021⁃086)。
                族中的重要成员,由 c⁃Cbl(又称 RNF55)、Cbl⁃b(又                 1.2  方法
                称 RNF56)和 Cbl⁃c(又称 Cbl⁃3、RNF57)组成。有               1.2.1  免疫组化
                研究报道,Cbl 蛋白家族成员在乳腺癌、肺癌、结                              免疫组化染色采用 EnVision 法,具体操作步骤
                直肠癌等肿瘤的发生、发展中发挥重要作用,但                             按产品说明书进行。c⁃Cbl 抗体(货号 25818⁃1⁃AP,
                因各家族成员之间的结构差异,其在肿瘤中发挥                             稀释度 1∶200)、Cbl⁃b 抗体(货号 12781⁃1⁃AP,稀释
                的作用也不同       [5-8] 。目前,Cbl 蛋白家族在 CSCC             度 1∶50)(Proteintech 公司,美国);Cbl⁃c 抗体(货号
                中的表达及意义仍不清楚。本研究利用免疫组                              sc⁃390648,稀释度 1∶100)(Santa Cruz Biotechnology
                化法检测 c⁃Cbl、Cbl⁃b 和 Cbl⁃c 在 114 例 CSCC 中的          公司,美国);二抗及 DAB(Dako 公司,丹麦)。用
                表达情况,分析 Cbl 蛋白家族在 CSCC 中的作用及                      已知阳性组织作阳性对照,PBS 代替一抗作阴性
                临床意义。                                             对照。
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