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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第43卷第1期
               · 40  ·                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)  2023年1月




              花 颖 ,刘文世 ,郑冬冬 ,张             伟 ,黄 荣 ,李晓飞       1*
               南通大学附属医院心血管内科,江苏             南通 226001;厦门市第五医院心血管内科,福建               厦门    361101
              1                                         2
             [摘 要] 目的:探讨血清白介素⁃32(interleukin⁃32,IL⁃32)水平与先天性心脏病相关肺动脉高压(pulmonary arterial hypertension,
              PAH)的存在和严重程度之间的关系。方法:试验组纳入 85 例 CHD 患者,根据右心导管术测得的平均肺动脉压
             (mean pulmonary artery pressure,PAPm)将其分为:无 PAH 组(PAPm≤20 mmHg)、灰色区间组(20 mmHg<PAPm<25 mmHg)、轻
              度组(25 mmHg≤PAPm<35 mmHg)、中重度组(PAPm≥35 mmHg),对照组为 30 例健康成人。采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测各
              组血清 IL⁃32 的水平,化学发光微粒子免疫分析法用于测定实验组血浆 B 型脑钠肽(B⁃type natriuretic peptide,BNP)的水平。
              患者血清 IL⁃32 水平显著高于 Qp/Qs < 1.5 的 CHD 患者。血清 IL⁃32 水平与 PAPm(r=0.377,P < 0.05)、肺动脉收缩压
             (r=0.286,P < 0.05)及 Qp/Qs(r=0.266,P < 0.05)正相关。受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线分析
              IL⁃32 诊断 PAH(PAPm > 20 mmHg)的效能不劣于 BNP,两者联合诊断具有更高的灵敏度、阳性预测值和阴性预测值。
             [关键词] 先天性心脏病;肺动脉高压;白介素⁃32;循环标志物
             [中图分类号] R541.1                    [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)01⁃040⁃06

              Correlation between serum IL⁃32 and pulmonary artery pressure in congenital heart disease

              HUA Ying ,LIU Wenshi ,ZHENG Dongdong ,ZHANG Wei ,HUANG Rong ,LI Xiaofei  1*
              1                                                                        2
               Department of Cardiology,Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,Nantong 226001;Department of Cardiology,
              the Fifth Hospital of Xiamen,Xiamen 361101,China
             [Abstract] Objective:To explore the correlation between serum interleukin ⁃ 32(IL ⁃ 32)level and the presence and severity of
              pulmonary arterial hypertension(PAH)associated with congenital heart disease(CHD). Methods:Eighty ⁃ five CHD patients were
              enrolled in the experimental group,and these patients were divided into the non⁃PAH group(PAPm≤20 mmHg),grey area group
             (20 mmHg<PAPm<25 mmHg),mild group(25 mmHg≤PAPm<35 mmHg),and moderate⁃severe group(PAPm≥35 mmHg)by mean
              pulmonary artery pressure(PAPm)measured using right heart catheterization;the control group consisted of 30 healthy adults.
              Enzyme ⁃ linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)was used to measure serum IL ⁃ 32 level in various groups,and chemiluminescent
              microparticle immunoassay(CMIA)was used to measure the plasma B⁃type natriuretic peptide(BNP)level in the experimental group.
              Results:Serum IL⁃32 levels in the moderate⁃severe,mild,and grey area groups were significantly higher than those in the non⁃PAH
              and control groups. The serum IL ⁃ 32 level in CHD(Qp/Qs≥1.5)patients was significantly higher than that in CHD(Qp/Qs<1.5)
              patients. The serum IL⁃32 level was positively correlated with PAPm(r=0.377,P < 0.05),pulmonary artery systolic pressure(r=0.286,
              P < 0.05),and Qp/Qs(r=0.266,P < 0.05). Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis found that the performance of IL⁃32
              in the diagnosis of PAH(PAPm>20 mmHg)was non⁃inferior to BNP,and diagnosis using the combined IL⁃32 and BNP had higher
              sensitivity,positive predictive value,and negative predictive value. Conclusion:Serum IL⁃32 may be a biomarker for PAH associated
              with CHD.
             [Key words] congenital heart disease;pulmonary arterial hypertension;interleukin⁃32;circulating marker
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(01):040⁃045]
             [基金项目] 南通市科技计划项目(JCZ19107)
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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