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·1386 · 南 京 医 科 大 学 学 报 2023年10月
diameter and anteroposterior diameter of uterine,uterine volume,and ovarian volume. The girls were divided into the non⁃CPP group
and the CPP group according to the results of GnRH stimulation test. Statistical software was used to analyze and integrate relevant
data. Results:①The level of the uterine artery PI in the CPP group was significantly lower than that in the non⁃CPP group,while
uterine long diameter as well as the level of morning urine LH in the CPP group were significantly higher than those in the non⁃CPP
group(P < 0.05). ②Correlation analysis showed that uterine artery PI was negatively correlated with morning urine LH,morning urine
FSH,long diameter,transverse diameter,anteroposterior diameter of uterine,uterine volume,ovarian volume,and serum LH peak value
(P < 0.05),but had no significant correlation with serum FSH peak value(P > 0.05). Uterine long diameter was positively correlated
with morning urine LH,morning urine FSH,uterine transverse diameter,anteroposterior diameter,uterine volume,ovarian volume,and
serum LH peak value(P < 0.05),but had no significant correlation with serum FSH peak value(P > 0.05). Morning urine LH level was
positively correlated with morning urine FSH,uterine long diameter,transverse diameter,anteroposterior diameter,uterine volume,
ovarian volume,serum LH peak and FSH peak(P < 0.05). ③The area under curve(AUC),sensitivity and specificity of ROC curve
when uterine artery PI,uterine long diameter,and morning urine LH were used for diagnosing CPP in girls were 0.915,76%,90%;
0.945,95% ,88% ;0.925,91% ,84% ,respectively. When uterine artery PI,uterine long diameter,and morning urine LH were
combined in the diagnosis of CPP in girls,the AUC,sensitivity and specificity were 0.974,98% and 90%,respectively,which was
better than used alone. Conclusion:The combined determination of uterine artery PI,uterine long diameter and morning urine LH
display the highest efficacy in the diagnosis of CPP in girls,and has the advantages of safety,non⁃invasive and convenient,which is
suitable for clinical application.
[Key words] precocious puberty;girl;urinary gonadotropin;uterine artery pulsation index;pelvic ultrasound
[J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(10):1385⁃1391]
女童性早熟是指7.5岁前出现第二性征的发育 。 腔彩超联合晨尿Gn检查,来探讨其在女童CPP诊断
根据下丘脑⁃垂体⁃性腺轴(hypothalamic⁃pituitary⁃ 中的应用价值,以探寻更加无创、便捷的诊断方法。
gonadal axis,HPGA)功能是否提前启动,可分为中
1 对象和方法
枢性性早熟(central precocious puberty,CPP)、外周
性性早熟和不完全性性早熟 。性早熟患儿体内 1.1 对象
性激素含量异常增高,第二性征过早呈现,骨骼生 选取2022年4月—2023年5月就诊于徐州医科
长发育异常加快而引起骨骺过早闭合,从而影响患 大学淮安临床学院儿科的 96 例性早熟女童为研究
儿成年终身高,成为危害儿童身心健康的最常见内 对象。性早熟女童纳入标准:女童 8 岁前出现乳房
分泌疾病之一。国内外研究显示,由于社会经济发 发育。排除标准:①继发性性早熟,如由中枢神经
展、生活水平的提高,各地性早熟的发病率呈上升趋 系统疾病、肾上腺、性腺疾病或肿瘤等导致的性早
势 [3-4] ,女孩性早熟发病率较男童上升更为显著 。 熟;②既往服用过影响 HPGA 轴的药物;③依从性
促性腺激素释放激素(gonadotropin⁃releasing hormone, 差,或因其他原因无法遵医嘱完成治疗者。本研究
GnRH)激发试验是诊断 CPP 的“金标准” ,但需短 通过徐州医科大学淮安临床学院伦理委员会批准
时间内多次采血,增加患儿痛苦,且收费较高,故患 (伦理号 KY⁃2022⁃047⁃01)。所有患儿及家长对调
儿及家长依从性差。因此寻找可替代的诊断方法 查方案知情同意。
成为性早熟研究的热点。盆腔彩超检查具有无创、 1.2 方法
方便、耗时短、可重复性强等优点,已成为诊断 CPP 1.2.1 临床资料及分组
的重要方法 。多项研究显示子宫动脉搏动指数 由专业的儿科医师对患儿进行详细的病史询
(pulsation index,PI)可用于鉴别性早熟 。此外,近 问及体格检查。收集患儿一般资料:年龄、体重、身
来研究发现尿促性腺激素(gonadotropin,Gn)水平与 高、Tanner分期等,检测基础血黄体生成素(luteiniz⁃
血 Gn 水平之间存在相关性,且尿液标本留取方便、 ing hormone,LH)、卵泡刺激素(follicle⁃stimulating
无创,有望成为诊断 CPP 的替代方法,但尚缺乏统 hormone,FSH)、雌 二 醇 水 平 。 摄 左 腕 骨 龄 片 ,
一标准 。本研究拟通过多普勒子宫动脉成像和盆 Greulich⁃Pyle 法评估骨龄。同时进行盆腔彩超检查