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第43卷第6期                            南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                2023年6月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)       ·857 ·

               ·综 述·


                张   乔,孟 帆,周其冈        *
                南京医科大学药学院,江苏 南京             211166

               [摘   要] 癫痫是一种常见神经系统慢性疾病。国际抗癫痫联盟将癫痫发作定义为由于大脑中异常过度或同步化的神经元
                癫痫药物(antiepilepsy drug,AED)治疗没有反应。电压门控钠离子通道(voltage⁃gated sodium channel,VGSC)的α亚基由1个高
                在难治性癫痫(treatment⁃resistant epilepsy,TRE)病理进程中发挥重要作用。本文对TRE概念、发病和耐药机制进行全面分析,
               [关键词] 电压门控钠离子通道;难治性癫痫;抗癫痫药物
               [中图分类号] R742.1                   [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)06⁃857⁃07

                Research progress on the role and mechanisms of voltage ⁃ gated sodium channels in
                treatment⁃resistant epilepsy

                ZHANG Qiao,MENG Fan,ZHOU Qigang   *
                School of Pharmacy,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China

               [Abstract] Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disease. The International League Against Epilepsy(ILAE)defines seizures
                as:the transient occurrence of signs or symptoms due to abnormally excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. About 70%
                of patients achieve seizure⁃free with appropriate medical treatment,but nearly one⁃third of patients still do not respond to current
                antiepileptic drugs(AED). The alpha subunits of voltage ⁃ gated sodium channels(VGSC)are encoded by a highly conserved gene
                family,of which mutations in SCN1A,SCN2A,and SCN8A genes are important causes of central nervous system diseases. Previous
                studies have shown that voltage⁃gated sodium channels play an important role in the pathological process of treatment⁃resistant epilepsy
               (TRE). In this review,the concept,pathogenesis and drug resistance mechanism of TRE were introduced in detail,meanwhile the role
                and mechanisms of VGSC in TRE were reviewed.
               [Key words] voltage⁃gated sodium channel;treatment⁃resistant epilepsy;antiepileptic drug
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(06):857⁃863]

                    难治性癫痫(treatment⁃resistant epilepsy,TRE),      风险增加 。在过去 20 年里,大量新抗癫痫药物
                又称耐药性癫痫(drug⁃resistant epilepsy,DRE),其药          (antiepileptic drug,AED)被开发应用于癫痫治疗,提
                物治疗是目前临床医学的重大难题之一。除了手                             高了易用性和耐受性,但这些AED均不能显著预防
                术治疗之外,尚无较好治疗方案,导致患者过早死                            或逆转TRE 。
                亡、受伤、心理社会功能障碍和生活质量降低的                                 癫痫发病机制主要是大脑神经元异常同步化
               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(82071525)
                                                                  通道(voltage⁃gated sodium channel,VGSC)是最常见
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
                cn                                                的AED靶点,它的结构或功能改变可能与TRE形成
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