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第43卷第6期         龙  宇,王宇昊,周天任,等. 单纯靶向活检与靶向联合系统活检在高PI⁃RADS评分患者中的
                  2023年6月                对比研究[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(6):820-827                    ·821 ·

                lower than that by targeted combined system biopsy,but the difference was not statistically significant(P=0.05). If only targeted biopsy
                was performed,5.0% of CsPCa would be missed. In patients with a PI⁃RADS score of 4,the detection rate of CsPCa by targeted biopsy
                was lower than that by targeted combined system biopsy,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). If only targeted biopsy
                was performed,6.2% of CsPCa would be missed. When 0<PSA ≤20 ng/mL,the detection rate of CsPCa by targeted biopsy was lower
                than that by targeted combined system biopsy,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);but when 20 ng/mL<PSA≤50 ng/mL,
                the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05). In patients with a PI⁃RADS score of 5,the detection rate of CsPCa by targeted
                biopsy was lower than that by targeted combined system biopsy,while the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05). If only
                targeted biopsy was performed,3.5% of CsPCa would be missed. In PSA subgroup analysis,there was also no significant difference in
                the detection rate of CsPCa between the two methods(P>0.05). The coincidence rate between targeted biopsy and radical
                postoperative pathology was slightly lower than that of targeted combined system biopsy group,but the difference was not statistically
                significant(P>0.05). In PI⁃RADS score subgroup and PSA stratification analysis,there were also no significant difference in the
                coincidence rate between targeted biopsy and targeted combined system biopsy(P>0.05). Conclusion:For patients with suspected
                high⁃risk prostate cancer with a PI⁃RADS score of 4⁃5,when PI⁃RADS score is 4 and PSA > 20 ng/mL or PI⁃RADS score is 5,a single
                targeted biopsy may replace the targeted combined system biopsy.
               [Key words] prostate tumor;biparametric magnetic resonance imaging;targeted biopsy;targeted combined system biopsy
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(06):820⁃827]

                    前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)是全球男性人               本研究比较 bpMRI⁃TRUS 融合单纯靶向活检与靶
                群最常见的恶性肿瘤,也是癌症相关死亡的主要原                            向联合系统活检对临床有意义前列腺癌(clinical⁃
                因之一 。欧美国家 PCa 发病率居第 1 位,病死率                       ly significant prostate cancer,CsPCa)的诊断效能。
                居第 2 位 ,近年来 PCa 在亚洲国家的发病率亦逐
                                                                  1  对象和方法
                年升高 。经直肠超声(transrectal ultrasonography,
                TRUS)引导的前列腺活检是目前诊断PCa的标准方                         1.1  对象
                法,具有速度快、可广泛使用、成本低等优点 。然                               南京医科大学第一附属医院2019年7月1日—
                而,该方法的主要缺点是经过直肠、易感染,活检不                           2022年6月1日就诊的前列腺PI⁃RADS评分为4~5分
                能有的放矢,具有一定盲目性             [5-6] 。近年来随着影像          且接受前列腺单纯靶向活检与靶向联合系统活检
                学 的 快 速 发 展 ,磁 共 振 成 像(magnetic resonance         患者共439例。中位年龄70岁,中位前列腺特异性抗
                imaging,MRI)作为 TRUS 的替代检查,已成为诊断                   原(prostate specific antigen,PSA)11.7 ng/mL,中位前
                PCa的首选影像学方法          [7-8] 。前列腺影像报告与数             列腺特异性抗原密度(prostate specific antigen density,
                据系统(prostate imaging⁃reporting and data system,   PSAD)0.3 ng/mL ,中位前列腺体积(prostate volume,
                PI⁃RADS)则用于解读前列腺MRI。根据PI⁃RADS第                    PV)37.6 mL。259 例患者接受 bpMRI⁃TURS 单纯靶
                2版的建议,PI⁃RADS评分≥4分则提示有较高的PCa                      向活检,180 例患者接受 bpMRI⁃TURS 靶向联合系
                风险,且评分越高风险越高 。目前由T2WI和DWI                         统活检。PI⁃RADS评分均≥4分,其中4分283例,5分
                序列组成的双参数磁共振(biparametric magnetic                 156 例。排除标准:①活检前未行 MRI(前列腺)检
                resonance imaging,bpMRI)检查广泛应用于辅助诊                查;②PI⁃RADS 评分<4分;③既往对PCa进行过治
                断PCa,相较多参数磁共振(multi⁃parameter magnetic            疗;④没有MRI可见的前列腺病变,或不能进行MRI
                resonance imaging,mpMRI)而言,bpMRI 的效果与            (即身体与 MRI 设备不兼容、存在黑色金属植入物
                mpMRI 相近,同时具有检查费用低、时间短以及不                         或有幽闭恐惧症);⑤有肛门严重狭窄或有肛周疾
                用造影剂等优点 。MRI/TRUS结合前列腺活检可                         病。本研究经医院伦理委员会批准,所有患者知情
                针对影像学上的可疑病灶进行靶向活检,较传统                             同意。
                TURS引导下前列腺系统活检具有更高的准确性和敏                          1.2  方法
                感性 。目前常用的活检方法为在 12 针系统活检                          1.2.1 bpMRI检查及活检方法
                的基础上针对可疑病灶进行靶向活检                  [11] ,但活检针          所有患者活检前均行 bpMRI 检查(3T MRI,
                数多无疑会造成更大的创伤。单纯靶向活检能否                             MAGNETOM Verio,西门子公司,德国),即提供轴位
                取代靶向联合系统活检尚缺乏有效证据                   [10] 。因此,     T1 加权像(T1⁃weighted images,T1WI)、多平面(冠
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