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第44卷第10期         董浩岩,张佳炜,王维俊,等. 孕早期血清同型半胱氨酸、25⁃羟维生素D联合子宫动脉血流参
                 2024年10月         数对子痫前期的预测价值[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(10):1390-1395 ·1391                ·

                independent sample student’s t⁃test and Chi⁃square test were used to compare the general clinical and pregnancy outcomes data,Hcy,
                25⁃OHD,and uterine artery blood flow parameters between the two groups. The multivariate logistic regression analysis was employed
                to identify independent risk factors for PE. The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis was used to evaluate the
                predictive value of the markers used along or in combination for PE. A PE risk nomogram was developed using R software,with
                calibration curves internally validating the nomogram prediction model. Results:There was no statistically significant difference in the
                maternal age,gestational weeks of detection,reproductive history,and PE history between the PE group and the control group(P >
                0.05). Both the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in the PE group were higher than those in the control group,while
                both the gestational week of delivery and the neonatal weight were lower than those in the control group(P < 0.05). Serum Hcy levels,
                S/D,PI,and RI were higher in the PE group than in the control group,whereas the levels of 25⁃OHD were lower in the PE group than in
                the control group(all P < 0.001). The multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that Hcy(OR=2.58,95%CI:2.03-3.27),S/D
               (OR=1.56,95%CI:1.33- 1.84),PI(OR=2.06,95%CI:1.45- 2.94)and RI(OR=2.97,95%CI:1.68- 5.24)were independent risk
                factors for PE,while 25⁃OHD was an independent protective factor(OR=0.80,95%CI:0.72-0.88). The ROC curve analysis showed
                that the optimal cut⁃off values for predicting PE were 6.65 μmol/L for Hcy,23.43 μg/L for 25⁃OHD,2.93 for S/D,1.26 for PI,and 0.85
                for RI,with the sensitivity of 0.908,0.699,0.752,0.844,and 0.589,respectively,and the specificity of 0.783,0.915,0.574,0.578,and
                0.891,respectively. The performance of these markers used in combination for predicting PE was superior,with an area under the
                curve of 0.967(95%CI:0.956-0.979),the sensitivity of 0.969,and the specificity of 0.865. The internal validation showed that the
                calibration curve of the nomogram approximated both the original curve and the ideal curve,with a concordance index of 0.966(95%CI:
                0.656-0.993),suggesting a high model fit. Conclusion:The PE risk nomogram,constructed based on serum Hcy,25⁃OHD,and the
                uterine artery blood flow parameters of S/D,PI and RI in early pregnancy,provides a good predictive value for PE and may offer guidance
                for early clinical screening or prediction of PE.
               [Key words] preeclampsia;homocysteine;25⁃hydroxy vitamin D;uterine artery blood flow parameters
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(10):1390⁃1395]

                    子痫前期(preeclampsia,PE)是妊娠期特有的一                 通过检测孕早期血清Hcy、25⁃OHD和子宫动脉血流
                种严重的多系统并发症,影响全球3%~5%的女性 ,                         参数,探讨各指标的相关性及其对PE的预测价值,以
                主要表现为孕20周以后出现血压升高、蛋白尿和水                           期为临床早期筛查或预测PE提供理论指导。
                                                                  1  对象和方法
                是血管炎症引起的血管内皮损伤,涉及细胞因子、炎                           1.1  对象
                症因子和凝血系统的参与 。同型半胱氨酸(homo⁃                             本研究为前瞻性队列研究。研究对象为2021年
                cysteine,Hcy)易被氧化,并产生超氧阴离子自由基和                    11 月—2023 年 5 月于连云港市第一人民医院定期
                过氧化氢,导致血管内皮细胞损伤 。高Hcy血症导                          产前检查的孕妇。纳入标准:①研究对象入组时
                致心血管疾病和不良妊娠结局发生的共同机制可能                            尚未发生 PE 相关的临床表现及并发症;②孕 11~
                是血管内皮损伤        [4-5] 。25⁃羟维生素 D(25⁃hydroxy        13周 行胎儿颈项透明层超声,留取血标本;③签署
                vitamin D,25⁃OHD)是维生素D的储存形式,母体维                   知情同意书并自愿入组;④单胎妊娠。排除标准:
                生素D状态可能通过免疫调节、炎症和血管生成反应                           ①本次妊娠有严重的胎儿异常、发生流产或后期引产
                等多种机制影响PE 。子宫动脉血流参数主要包括                           终止妊娠;②临床资料不全者;③妊娠前患有心脑血
                收缩期峰值血流速度/舒张期峰值血流速度(peak sys⁃                     管疾病、高血压、糖尿病、肾病等内科合并症。
                tolic velocity /end diastolic velocity,S/D)、搏动指数      符合纳入标准者2 532例,排除120例妊娠前患
               (pulsatility index,PI)和阻力指数(resistance index,      有心脑血管疾病、高血压、糖尿病、肾病等内科合并
                RI),可反映母体血流动力学状态及胎盘微血流灌注,                         症,30 例中途退出,150 例资料不全,32 例发生流产
                且具备无创、简单、直观等优点,是目前临床诊断、筛                          或终止妊娠,其余 2 200 例孕妇纳入本队列。本研
                查及预测PE的常用指标 。目前许多标志物已被证                           究获得徐州医科大学附属连云港医院伦理委员会批
                明与PE相关,但测量复杂且成本较高,因此仍缺乏易                          准(KY⁃20231027001⁃01)。参考《妊娠期高血压疾病
                于获取、操作便捷、综合成本低的预测方案。本研究                           诊治指南(2020)》PE诊断标准 ,根据孕20周后是否
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