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第44卷第4期            王子豪,谢晖,周景昕,等. 肺动脉瓣置换术治疗四叶式肺动脉瓣1例并文献复习[J].
                  2024年4月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(04):586-589                       ·587 ·

                术中诊断为心脏瓣膜病(二尖瓣重度狭窄伴中-重                            前的 2 095.4 pg/mL 降至 689.1 pg/mL。2023 年 9 月
                度关闭不全,中-重度三尖瓣关闭不全),QPV,心房                         1 号复查心脏彩超示右房内径(33 mm)、右室(36 mm)
                颤动,高血压。术后病理检测:二尖瓣瓣膜组织示                            内径较术前(右房 46 mm、右室 44 mm)缩小。肺动
                纤维结缔组织增生伴玻璃样变及黏液样变性,局灶                            脉瓣见轻微反流。随访2年,患者心功能正常。
                                                                  2  讨 论
                样变及黏液变性(图 3)。患者术后于监护病房机械
                通气8 d,后转入普通病房,术后16 d出院。BNP由术                          从胚胎发育角度看,肺动脉瓣与主动脉瓣是共

                                                   A                      B                       C
                   A,B:Computed tomography(CT)imaging showed that the main pulmonary artery was widened,about 4.4 cm,and the pulmonary valve was quadri⁃
                cuspid,with two larger leaflets and two smaller ones. C:Three⁃dimensional(3D)reconstruction of the pulmonary artery,excluding the right ventricle
                and part of the left pulmonary artery branch,visualized the thickening of the main pulmonary artery and four pulmonary valvular sinuses.
                                               图1   术前肺动脉CT血管造影和三维重建
                               Figure 1 Preoperative CT angiography and 3D reconstruction of pulmonary artery

                                     A                      B
                                                                                       A                       B
                   A:The pulmonary artery was made longitudinal incision. B:The
                                                                     A:The resected pulmonary valves showed the characteristic of two
                pulmonary valve presented a quadricuspid shape with moderate to severe
                                                                  large and two small leaflets. B:Pathology examination result showed
                insufficiency,which was consistent with preoperative CT angiography
                                                                  hyperplasia of fibrous connective tissue with hyaline and mucinous
                and color doppler echocardiography.
                               图 2 患者术中所见                         degeneration in the valve tissue.
                       Figure 2 Surgical findings of the patient      图 3 患者切除的肺动脉瓣及术后病理检查结果
                                                                    Figure 3  Resected pulmonary valves and pathological
                同动脉干发育为左右两个心室流出道的过程中形                                       examination results of the patient
                形成时正常主肺动脉间隔之间的间质细胞不典型                             大瓣叶及 2 个等小瓣叶;d 型,1 个较大瓣叶、2 个中
                增生所致 。QPV 可与其他先天性心脏病如动脉                           等大小瓣叶及 1 个最小瓣叶;e 型,1 个较大瓣叶及
                导管未闭、房间隔和室间隔缺损、主动脉瓣畸形等                            3个较小瓣叶;f型,2个等大瓣叶及2个大小不同的
                并存 ,其中最常见的是主动脉瓣畸形。Davia等                    [5]   较小瓣叶;g 型,4 个大小不等的瓣叶。本例符合上
                曾对 10 例患有 QPV 的伴有严重充血性心力衰竭的                       述c型改变 。
                患者进行尸检,发现其中一半的病例同时患有不同                                常规经胸超声心动图可以获得肺动脉瓣的形
                类型的主动脉瓣畸形。先前的研究总结,根据瓣叶                            态及功能状态,QPV患者常常表现为短轴切面心室
                的形态QPV可被分为以下7种类型:a型,4个相等的                         舒张期肺动脉瓣口关闭线呈“X”字形 ,但在实际操
                瓣叶;b型,3个等大瓣叶及1个较小瓣叶;c型,2个等                        作中显示肺动脉瓣叶较为困难。经食道超声心动
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