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第44卷第7期           倪 曼,程     丽,郭 爽,等. 腐胺通过线粒体相关内质网膜改善高龄卵母细胞质量[J].
                  2024年7月                      南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(7):891-900                       ·895 ·

                         A         Young           Old            Put           B
                                                                                      5     ***
                                                                                   Fluorescence intensity  of CG signals  2
                            CG                                                        4 3        *

                                                                                      0 1
                                                                                         Young Old  Put
                            DAPI                                                C

                                                                                      40    ***
                                                                                  Mis⁃location of CG  (%)  20
                            Merge                                                   percentage  10

                                                                                         Young Old  Put

                   A:Representative figures of CG distribution in the Young,Old,and Put groups(scale bars=25 μm). B:The statistical analysis of CG signals
               (n=15). C:The statistical analysis of the rates of mislocalized CG in oocytes(n=15). P < 0.05,P < 0.01 and  *** P < 0.001. CG:cortical granule.
                                                    图2 MⅡ期卵母细胞CG分布
                                            Figure 2 Distribution of CGs in MⅡ⁃stage oocytes
                         A         Young           Old            Put           B

                                                                                      60    ***  **
                            α⁃Tublin                                                 (%)  40
                                                                                   Abnormal spindle  percentage  20

                                                                                         Young Old  Put
                            DAPI                                                C

                                                                                   Misaligned chromosome  (%) percentage  30
                            Merge                                                     10

                                                                                         Young Old  Put

                   A:Representative images of the spindle morphology and chromosome alignment in metaphase Ⅱ oocytes(scale bars=5 μm). B:The rate of abnormal
                spindles(n=15). C:The rate of misaligned chromosomes(n=15). P < 0.05,P < 0.01 and  *** P < 0.001.
                                             图3   MⅡ期卵母细胞纺锤体组装和染色体排列
                                  Figure 3 Spindle assembly and chromosome alignment in MⅡ⁃stage oocytes

                2.4  腐胺降低高龄小鼠卵母细胞MAM水平                            粒体间距、邻近内质网的线粒体长度与其周长的比
                   在透射电子显微镜下观察各组小鼠MⅡ期卵母                           值两个指标衡量MAM 的数量及状态。统计分析发
                细胞内的MAM(图 4A),通常以MAM中内质网和线                        现,高龄小鼠 MⅡ期卵母细胞内 MAM 间距显著缩
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