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第44卷第7期          苏思璇,尚彦星,段程伟,等. 基于生信分析对脓毒症相关性脑病中神经炎症相关核心基因
                  2024年7月                 的筛选[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(7):915-926                    ·923 ·

                           A                          B                           C
                                 6                          2.5                         4
                                       ***                          **                         *
                              Il⁃1β  4                   Tnf⁃α  2.0                  Inos  3
                              Relative  mRNA expression  2  Relative  mRNA expression  1.0  Relative  mRNA expression  2 1

                                 0                          0.0                         0
                                    Control LPS                 Control LPS                Control LPS
                 D                        E                        F                        G
                       1.5     **               1.5                      3      ***              6
                    Hdac9  1.0               Gpr183  1.0  **          Lrrc25  2               Nadk  4

                    Relative  mRNA expression  0.5  Relative  mRNA expression  0.5  Relative  mRNA expression  1  Relative  mRNA expression  2

                       0.0                      0.0                      0                       0
                           Control LPS              Control LPS             Control LPS             Control LPS
                   A-C:BV2 microglia were stimulated with LPS(1 μg/mL)for 24 h,and the mRNA levels of Il⁃1β(A),Tnf⁃α(B)and Inos(C)were assessed using
                RT⁃qPCR. D-G:RT⁃qPCR detection of mRNA levels of Hdac9(D),Gpr183(E),Lrrc25(F),and Nadk(G)in the LPS⁃induced BV2 microglial activation
                model. P < 0.05,P < 0.01,and  *** P < 0.001(n=6).
                                            图5 SAE小胶质细胞炎性活化核心基因的表达验证
                          Figure 5  Expression verification of the core genes for microglial inflammatory activation in SAE

                A                                                          1.5      **
                         oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9          1.0       **                  ***            1.5       ***
                                                  HDAC9/α⁃tubulin       Relative protein level  (IL⁃1β/α⁃tubulin)  iNOS/α⁃tubulin
                    LPS: -  +  -  +                0.8   ***                                           ***
                   HDAC9             140 kDa       0.6                     1.0                  1.0
                    IL⁃1β            35 kDa        0.4                     0.5                  0.5
                    iNOS             130 kDa       0.2
                                                    0                       0                     0
                  α⁃tubulin          50 kDa        LPS -  +  -  +          LPS -  +  -  +        LPS -  +  -  +
                                                      oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9       oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9      oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9

                B        oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9          2.0                    1.5
                                                  p⁃JAK1/α⁃tubulin  1.0  p⁃STAT3/α⁃tubulin
                    LPS  -  +  -  +                1.5      ***                    ***
                   p⁃JAK1            140 kDa             ***              1.0   ***
                    JAK1             130 kDa                              0.5
                  p⁃STAT3            75 kDa        0.5
                                                    0                      0
                   STAT3             75 kDa        LPS -  +  -  +         LPS -  +  -  +
                                                     oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9       oe⁃ctrl oe⁃HDAC9
                  α⁃tubulin          50 kDa
                   A:BV2 microglia were transduced with lentivirus to overexpress HDAC9(oe⁃HDAC9),with empty vector used as a control(oe⁃ctrl). After stimulat⁃
                ing the BV2 microglial cells with LPS,Western blot was performed to detect the protein expression levels of HDAC9,IL⁃1β,and iNOS. B:Western blot
                detection of JAK1,STAT3 protein expression and phosphorylation(p⁃JAK1,p⁃STAT3)levels. P < 0.05,P < 0.01,and  *** P < 0.001(n=3).
                            图6   过表达HDAC9促进小胶质细胞中促炎因子的表达以及JAK1⁃STAT3信号通路磷酸化
                Figure 6  Overexpression of HDAC9 promoted the expression of pro⁃inflammatory cytokines and phosphorylation of the
                        JAK1⁃STAT3 signaling pathway in microglia

                SAE 小胶质细胞炎性活化关键基因,并以体外细胞                          者和非感染对照组外周血样本中通过WGCNA分析
                学实验进行初步验证,旨在为SAE发病机制研究提                           得到332个基因与脓毒症临床诊断密切相关;其二为
                供新思路和潜在靶点。                                        LPS刺激小胶质细胞活化的测序数据集GSE103156,
                    本研究分析了GEO数据库中的两组数据集,其                         通过Limma分析筛选到1 272个DEGs。富集分析结
                一是 GSE65682 脓毒症基因表达阵列,在脓毒症患                       果显示,上述基因集中在免疫应答相关通路,包括
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