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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                                第1期 总第102期
             · 10  ·                        Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年2月

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                 Problems and countermeasures of crisis warning management for

                                            public health emergencies

                            WANG Xueqin,XIAO Qiqiang,CHEN Xianping,WANG Zhuoyun,LU Chao
                      Medical Engineering Department,the Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230601,China
                 Abstract:As the first line of defense public health emergencies,crisis warning management is a key period
             to discover, identify and solve crises and avoid further harming to people security and property. Based on the
             current situation of crisis warning management of public health emergencies, we summarized the problems
             existing in the crisis warning management of public health emergencies in China during the COVID⁃19 epidemic
             response period, such as the lack of joint mechanism among departments, the imperfect public opinion
             monitoring system, the lack of professional emergency personnel, the imperfect monitoring and warning system.
             In order to provide a scientific basis for the response to public health emergencies, the government should
             improve the coordination mechanism of crisis warning management, perfect the public opinion monitoring system
             of crisis warning management, strengthen the construction of emergency professionals, and improve the
             construction of crisis warning management system, optimize and improve the crisis warning management system
             of public health emergencies.
                 Key words:public health emergency;crisis warning management;COVID⁃19
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