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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                                第1期 总第102期
             · 28  ·                        Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年2月

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                  Analysis of the effectiveness of social communication by medical
                                          authorities in the COVID⁃19

                                                XIA Wenfang ,WANG Jinfan  2
             1. Department of Endocrinology,Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
                 Wuhan 430022;2. Research Center of Doctor and Patient Communication,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                 Abstract:In public health emergencies,how to quickly establish trust and transfer authoritative and
             professional medical information through appropriate channels and methods in society is the key to emergency
             response. By analyzing the public opinion index of new online media,this study explored the peak and trend
             characteristics of social communication conducted by medical experts in the outbreak of COVID ⁃ 19,and
             analyzed the effectiveness and characteristics of information transmission. The medical information voiced by
             authoritative experts has aroused a high social concern,showing a rapid growth and high trends. The high peak
             of hot spots is closely related to the critical nodes of the epidemic. Effective medical information transmission
             under the outbreak needs to reflect authority and professionalism in all aspects of social communication,and the
             social communication strategy in emergency prevention and control of major epidemic situations can be further
             optimized with the public data support.
                 Key words:COVID⁃19;authority;social communication;new media
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