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第1期 总第102期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2021年2月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)     · 23  ·

             平,“以和为贵”“四海之内皆兄弟”等先哲的著名言                          命,向全国人民传递的攻无不克的“正能量”,鼓舞
             论,阐明了炎黄子孙一以贯之的文化基因。在抗击                            人心,激发斗志。这些充分展现了领导和权威人士
             疫情中更应该传承这种文化,形成全社会共战疫情                            在激发和引领道德韧性建设中的作用。
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                 自我道德领导和权威人士承担着人们精神升                                (1):60-62
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               Analysis on the occurrence and treatment of moral injury of medical

                                   staff in disaster and epidemic treatment

                                                      1              2          1
                                          WANG Luying ,HUANG Qiang ,JIANG He
              1. Basic Medical College,Navy Medical University,Shanghai 200433;2. Department of Pharmacy,the 924th Hospital of PLA
                                          Joint Logistic Support Force,Guilin 541002,China
                 Abstract:Moral injury is a kind of psychological and physiological trauma caused by the deviation of anti⁃
             moral behaviors and events from the moral principles held by individuals or groups. Since it is a complex
             concept,involving ethics,culturology,sociology and other disciplines. In the disaster situation,facing the
             complicated situation such as the changeable epidemic situation,high infection rate and large number of
             patients,medical workers are easily in conflict between internal ethics and external moral practice,and thus
             fall into a moral dilemma. Once the moral choice made in this situation triggers the unpredictable consequences,
             it is easy to cause moral injury to the individuals. Based on this,we should help medical workers strengthen the
             confidence to overcome the epidemic,discard the wrong moral cognition,enhance the moral resilience,and
             keep good moral psychology.
                 Key words:moral injury;disaster epidemic situation;moral injury occurrence;moral injury treatment
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