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                       Application of PDCA in medical records quality training

                                                    YE Qian ,LU Xiang 2
               1. School of Public Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. Party Committee Office,Sir Run Run Hospital of
                                          Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166 ,China
                 Abstract:According to the Jiangsu Province Inpatient Medical Records Quality Evaluation Standard,
             combined with the status of medical records quality in a tertiary hospital,the PDCA cycle management is used
             to carry out medical records quality training. Through interviews and spot check of medical records,the
             problems in the quality of the hospital's medical records were obtained. The PDCA cycle management mode was
             adopted to carry out three medical records quality trainings: special training for the severe defects,special
             training for the major deductions,and special training for the medical records of the critically ill patients. The
             Chi ⁃ square test was used to examine the effect of the three trainings,which proved that the result was
             statistically significant. The article provides reference for hospitals to improve the quality of medical records
             writing and strengthen the medical records quality management.
                 Key words:medical records quality;training;PDCA cycle management;tertiary hospital
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