Page 83 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 83

第5期 总第106期                           南
               2021年10月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 489  ·
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               Research on patient satisfaction evaluation of comprehensive reform
                                             effect in public hospitals

                                                  LIU Yu ,LIN Zhenping  1
               1. School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. Office of Discipline Inspection
                                    Commission,Suqian First People’s Hospital,Suqian 223800,China
                 Abstract:This paper analyzed the satisfaction evaluation of the patients in 25 hospitals in Jiangsu
             Province on the comprehensive reform of public hospitals. The results showed that patients were generally
             satisfied with the evaluation of the comprehensive reform effect of public hospitals. The satisfaction of four
             dimensions of medical insurance and price,medical services,the tiered system of diagnosis and treatment,
             and the medical environment all had impact on the overall satisfaction,F=463.211,P<0.001. Among them,
             the satisfaction of two dimensions,i.e. medical insurance and price,together with medical services,had the
             greatest impact on the overall satisfaction of patients,and the standardized regression coefficients were 0.406
             and 0.298,respectively. At the same time,patient satisfaction in northern Jiangsu was the lowest in all regions
             of the province,with a score of 4.78. It is recommended to enhance the comprehensive reform of public
             hospitals in terms of medical insurance,prices,and medical services,and at the same time improve the status
             quo of medical reform in northern Jiangsu,which will be conducive to the further deepening of comprehensive
             medical reform within Jiangsu Province and the overall improvement of patient satisfaction.
                 Key words:comprehensive reform of public hospitals;effect evaluation;patient satisfaction;influencing
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