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             第6期 总第107期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
               2021年12月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 537  ·
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                  14(2):104-108                                                               (本文编辑:姜 鑫)

                  Research on the operational dilemma of compact county medical

                                  alliances based on the Meter⁃Horn model

                           GUANG Xinhui ,WANG Heng ,XUE Junjun ,LI Niannian ,WANG Cunhui       4
                                  1. School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032;
               2. Dean’s Office,3. Graduate Work Department,4. Organization Department of the CPC Party Committee,the First Affiliated
                                        Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230022,China
                 Abstract:At present,the policy operation of compact county medical alliances in our country is facing
             difficulties. In order to deeply analyze the difficulties existing in the policy operation of compact county medical
             alliances,the six factors of Meter ⁃ Horn model were used as the framework for analysis,which were policy
             objectives and standards,policy resources,organization communication and operation activities,operating
             organization characteristics,operating environment and operator value orientation. The results showed that
             dilemmas of policy operation included a wide range of policy objectives,a long time for implementation of
             policy standards,low efficiency in the allocation of health resources,weak effect of medical insurance
             payment,and unsmooth referrals in the tiered system of diagnosis and treatment,unmatched information
             construction,insufficient capacity of primary health care institutions,and the low level of coordination between
             medical services,medical insurance and pharmaceuticals. In order to solve the dilemmas of policy operation of
             compact county medical alliances,the following suggestions were proposed to promote the stable construction
             and long ⁃ term development of compact county medical alliances. Specific and feasible policies should be
             formulated. The allocation of medical resources should be optimized. Information exchange and sharing should
             be realized. The primary health care capacity should be improved. The medical insurance reform should be
                 Key words:compact county medical alliances;health policy;Meter⁃Horn model;policy operation
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