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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版) 第6期 总第107期
· 532 · Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) 2021年12月
了一定成效。但在改革过程中也发现基层居民认 性化服务、为居民提供灵活点单式服务等形式开展
识度、参与度、主动利用程度不足等突出问题。因 基层医疗卫生服务工作,不仅能够满足基层居民多
此,未来需进一步强化需求侧改革,激励和引导基 样化、个性化的健康需求,同时也有助于基层医疗
层居民主动参与基层医疗卫生服务事业改革过程 卫生服务的价值体现。
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Conceptual model,practical dilemma and driving factors of value co⁃
creation of primary health care services
XU Xinglong,ZHOU Lülin
School of Management,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China
Abstract:The primary health care services value needs to be created by both the supplier and the
demander. Currently,governments at all levels are constantly committed to optimizing the supply system of
primary health care services;however,the participation of grass⁃roots residents is still insufficient and their
active health awareness is low,which restrict the value of primary health care services. Therefore,based on the
theory of value co ⁃ creation,this paper tentatively constructed the conceptual model of value co ⁃ creation of
primary health care services. From the perspective of the family doctor contracted services, this paper
interpreted the practical dilemma of value co ⁃ creation of primary health care services,analyzed the driving
factors of value co⁃creation of primary health care services,and then put forward corresponding enlightenment.
Key words:primary healthcare;value co⁃creation;demand⁃side participation;family doctor