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南                                              第1期 总第108期
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                 Review and thinking of social network embedded in public health


                               ZHAN Xiang ,ZHOU Ying ,XU Xinglong ,XIA Yiqin ,ZHU Tielin   5
                1. School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. School of Public Health,Tongji
              Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430030;3. School of Management,Jiangsu University,
              Zhenjiang 212013;4. The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029;5. Taizhou People’s Hospital,
                                                     Taizhou 225300,China
                 Abstract:The public health system plays an important role in maintaining public health and health safety,
             but as the core of the public health system,the basic public health services are faced with the dilemma of
            “improving quality and efficiency”. The development and practice of the social network theory for many years
             show that social network,which involves relationship network,trust,cooperation and reciprocity in sociology,

             is becoming an effective method to deal with community resource constraint,lack of service motivation and lack
             of social participation. On the basis of reviewing the relevant research of social network theory in the field of
             health,this paper attempted to find the effective methods and approaches to improve the utilization effect of
             basic public health services by using the new idea of social network embedded in public health services,in
             order to further improve the construction of China’s public health system.
                 Key words:social network;public health;basic public health services
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