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                                   Lifestyle Medicine: origin and progress

                              DONG Wenyong ,LI Yi ,ZHANG Wanliang ,MIAO Yudong ,LIU Min     1
               1. Department of Hypertension,People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450003;2. College of Public Health,
                                           Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450000,China
                 Abstract:Lifestyle Medicine(LM)is a methodological advancement in contemporary medicine that relies
             mainly on medical health technology for treatment. It offers the dual benefits of improving the effectiveness of
             chronic disease prevention and treatment while simultaneously lowering medical expenses. In western countries,
             LM has already grown as a new medical field. This paper first discussed its origin and then compare LM to the
             traditional medicine on the basis of disciplinary connotation,clinical application,and social communication
             progress. This article suggested that both developed and developing countries should prioritize policy research
             on LM and build a LM system suitable for local health needs based on its clinical application and
             standardization,educational training,scientific research and industrialization.
                 Key words:Lifestyle Medicine;chronic non⁃communicable diseases;medical expenses;disease prevention
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