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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第4期 总第111期
             · 342  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2022年8月
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              Study on whole chain management mode of imported high⁃risk special


                                 XU Yilin ,FU Liyuan ,WENG Yunqi ,SUN Tao ,WU Jingxian   1
                         1. Suzhou Industrial Park Customs,Suzhou 215000;2. Nanjing Customs,Nanjing 210000,China
                 Abstract:Under the background of the rapid development of the biopharmaceutical industry and the sharp
             increasing import and export volume of special products with the complex situation of the pandemic of COVID⁃
             19,this article introduces and compares the supervision mechanism of import and export of special products in
             China and the United States in detail. It analyzes the legislative loopholes,information silos,regulatory blind
             spots,regulatory gaps and detection difficulties in the supervision of special products in China. Accordingly,we
             propose to establish a whole⁃chain management model for high⁃risk special inbound products in China. On the
             premise of ensuring the safety supervision of high⁃risk special products,we suggest to explore and promote the
             establishment of laws that are compatible with the domestic and international biosecurity situation and the
             supervision needs of special products. In addition to this,we also recommend to cooperate with multiple
             departments to optimize and improve the supervision mechanism of special products after the entry. With above
             measures we can effectively solve the difficulties of entry inspection of special products and supervision blind
             spots,and improve the level of customs clearance facilitation,thus making the supervision of the entry of high⁃
             risk special products more complete and efficient to support the biopharmaceutical industry become bigger and
             stronger with scientific regulation.
                 Key words:special products;import and export policy;whole chain management mode
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