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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版) 第6期 总第113期
· 550 · Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) 2022年12月
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The present situation and problems of the support service for the
extremely poor in China
—— Based on the investigation of Jiangsu
PENG Lang ,ZHU Ya ,CHEN Jiaying ,SHI Jinlou 1
1. School of Health Policy and Management,2. School of Marxism,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;3. Kangda
College of Nanjing Medical University,Lianyungang 222000,China
Abstract:The outline of the Program for Health China 2030 proposed to protect the health of the low⁃
income group. As a social security system with Chinese characteristics that has existed since the founding of the
People’s Republic of China with constantly developing and improving, the support system for the extremely poor
is dedicated to protecting for the survival and health of people in extreme poverty. With the continuous
improvement of the social security system in recent years, the integration of urban and rural social security in
China has made significant progress in improving the fairness of people’s livelihood security. However, the
security gap in protection between urban and rural areas and regions with different economic development levels
still suffers from unbalanced and inadequate development. Through the investigation and analysis of the policy
and practice of the special support system in Jiangsu Province with qualitative interviews and questionnaires, this
paper aims to understand the operating status,effects and problems of the special support system. Additionally,
we draw on the international experience of the relief system and implementation of the special support system to
provide references for the construction and improvement of the special support system in China.
Key words:assistance and support for the extremely poor;social assistance;social security