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                                                    南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                 第2期 总第115期
              · 130  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2023年4月
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                  The impact of public perception of healthcare services on national

                                           —— Empirical analysis based on CSS2021 data
                                                           SHI Zhen
                              School of health management,Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110,China
                   Abstract:As the most basic public service,healthcare service is a necessary support to cultivate and
               strengthen the sense of national identity. This article utilizes the linear regression model based on data from the
               Comprehensive Survey of Chinese Social Conditions in 2021(CSS2021)to study the public awareness of the
               macro system of healthcare services and the physical practice in the treatment process on national identity. The
               study found that there was a significant positive correlation between the public perceptions of the macro system
               of healthcare services and national identity,which means the better the public perception of healthcare safety,

               healthcare equity and local government’s quality of healthcare services,the higher the public satisfaction of
               healthcare insurance,lead to higher sense of national identity. In terms of the physical practice in the process
               of public treatment,the choice of public medical institutions has a significant impact on national identity,and
               those who choose to go to public hospitals for treatment have a higher sense of national identity. The study did
               not find a significant relationship between the perceptions of medical institutions and national identity. We
               should consider healthcare governance as an essential window to test the modernization of the national
               governance system and governance capacity,starting from the public health promotion that continues to improve
               healthcare system capacity. We should also focus on ensuring fairness within the healthcare system and
               vigorously promote humanistic care,allowing the public to feel a sense of attainment,happiness and security in
               healthcare services,thus constantly generating national identification.
                   Key words:the public;healthcare service system;health governance;national identity
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